Sales in Mac App Store (MAS) down since March 2024

Hello everyone,

Since the beginning of March, my sales figures in the Mac App Store have been dropping drastically, even though I haven't made any changes. The drop is between 80 and 90%. A large part of the sales went to China. Does anyone have an explanation?

Have you still some sales in China or all chinese sales have stopped ?

Regulation changes regularly in China to control more and more strictly apps business.,need%20to%20be%20taken%20down. : This article explains the Apple could be forced to remove many apps from its Chinese appstore. Is it your case ? have you a mean to ask someone in China if your app is still accessible ?

I have a similar situation, but for me it's "only" around a 25% drop since the beginning of March (I've never had sales in China). It affects all my Mac apps, the decline is fairly evenly distributed. I suspect that it is related to a changed search mechanism in the Mac App Store on Silicon Macs, where (now -- starting with macOS 14.4?) the search results for iPhone and iPad apps are often presented first, depending on the search term entered. This means that the user then has to explicitly switch to the "Mac Apps" tab first in order to see the Mac apps found at all.

No, the app is not removed from the China App Store. Sales have gone down everywhere.

Any idea what Apple changed exactly and how to react?

Sales in Mac App Store (MAS) down since March 2024