Provisionning Error after adding the HotspotHelper entitlement

I got an error message in Xcode related to provisioning profiles and entitlements. Specifically, it appears Xcode encountered an issue with the provisioning profile I'm trying to use.

The error message states that the provisioning profile named "iOS Team Provisioning Profile" doesn't include the entitlement

Answered by DTS Engineer in 784161022

There is an unfortunate terminologic clash here:

  • NEHotspotHelper uses Hotspot in the way that I’ve defined it above.

  • NEHotspotConfigurationManager uses Hotspot to mean any standard Wi-Fi network.

It would be better if NEHotspotConfigurationManager had been called NEWiFiConfigurationManager but, sadly, that ship has sailed )-:

NEHotspotHelper requires a managed entitlement, that is, one that must be approved by Apple.

NEHotspotConfigurationManager requires an unmanaged entitlement, one that any developer can use.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

I already filled this form a week ago

I already filled this form a week ago

Did you get a response indicating that your request was successful?

Note that the vast majority of hotspot helper requests are denied because folks are trying to misuse the API to do things that it’s not intended to do. To quote the docs:

[a hotspot network is one] where the user must interact with the network to gain access to the wider Internet.


NEHotspotHelper is only useful for hotspot integration. There are both technical and business restrictions that prevent it from being used for other tasks, such as accessory integration or Wi-Fi based location.

If you’re trying to use hotspot helper for something other than hotspot integration, I recommend that you choose an alternative path. I talk about this more in TN3111 iOS Wi-Fi API overview and the various posts linked to from Extra-ordinary Networking.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Hello Quinn,

Thanks for the answer. I'm developping an App to connect an IoT device to the home network, in order to do that, I need to scan nearby Wifis (The device exposes a hotspot in order to connect with it through the app, and the app sends infos about the home network to the device).

Kind regards

I'm developping an App to connect an IoT device to the home network

Hotspot helper will not work for that. You shouldn’t be granted the entitlement and, even if you were, it won’t actually solve this problem properly.

Have a read of the Working with a Wi-Fi Accessory post which I referenced in my previous reply.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

I read the Working with a Wi-Fi Accessory, and I came up with the conclusion that I should connect the user through the app to the device's hotspot. Will I need a special entitlement for this?

Thanks in advance, Quinn !

Accepted Answer

There is an unfortunate terminologic clash here:

  • NEHotspotHelper uses Hotspot in the way that I’ve defined it above.

  • NEHotspotConfigurationManager uses Hotspot to mean any standard Wi-Fi network.

It would be better if NEHotspotConfigurationManager had been called NEWiFiConfigurationManager but, sadly, that ship has sailed )-:

NEHotspotHelper requires a managed entitlement, that is, one that must be approved by Apple.

NEHotspotConfigurationManager requires an unmanaged entitlement, one that any developer can use.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

NEHotspotConfigurationManager requires an unmanaged entitlement, one that any developer can use.

Problem solved ! Thank you so much Quinn for the clarifications and the assistance !

Have a great day !

Provisionning Error after adding the HotspotHelper entitlement