Business Manager - Essentials - XCODE Deployment Issues


We have had this issue for a while now with managed AppleID's and Business Manager-BM

BM does install XCODE - under Configuration - Automatic BM does not show installed - under Overview BM Install Status - always shows ... "Update Pending" Randomly - Downloads over 4GB like it tries to re-install

If I goto my Mac, and open Business Essentials - it always tries to re-download the 4GB. It shows a second Xcode icon - that is always 1.7MB ... then when it is done, it goes away.

This is the only app that is having an issue. I have tried everything .. new collections, only use 1 user, delete locally and redeploy. Automatic and manual. It is always is the same problem.

Anyone seen this issue? I have an open case with Apple.

Having the exact same issue. It's just downloading over and over again for me.

Business Manager - Essentials - XCODE Deployment Issues