iOS ImageRenderer Unable to localize text correctly Bug

A simple view has misaligned localized content after being converted to an image using ImageRenderer.

This is still problematic on real phone and TestFlight

I'm not sure what the problem is, I'm assuming it's an ImageRenderer bug.

I tried to use UIGraphicsImageRenderer, but the UIGraphicsImageRenderer captures the image in an inaccurate position, and it will be offset resulting in a white border. And I don't know why in some cases it encounters circular references that result in blank images.

"(1) days" is also not converted to "1 day" properly.

Regardless of the language, when using ImageRenderer, it will be converted to English incorrectly.


    VStack(spacing: 8) {
    // The normal view
    let simpleView = VStack() {
        Text("\(0) days")
        Text("\(1) days")
        Text("\(2) days")
    simpleView // The normal view, language is Chinese
    simpleView // "\(1) days" is correctly converted to "1 day".
        .environment(\.locale, .init(identifier: "en"))
    // After converting to UIImage with ImageRenderer, the text becomes English, it should be Simplified Chinese.
    // and "\(1) days" is not converted to "1 day".
    let image: UIImage = ImageRenderer(content: simpleView).uiImage ?? UIImage(named: "error.image")!
    Image(uiImage: image)
.environment(\.locale, .init(identifier: "zh-Hans")) // Language set to Simplified Chinese
"总打卡天数" = "Total Check-ins";
"连续生存" = "Streak";

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
    <key>%lld days</key>
            <string>%lld days</string>
            <string>1 day</string>
            <string>0 day</string>

I can confirm, I also experiment this bug in iOS 17.4, but also iOS 18 (compiled against 17.4).

If I have a Text() using a LocalizedStringKey, and my resource catalog is OK, my SwiftUI Preview Canvas is OK, but in the app when I tap on the button to export the view as an image with ImageRenderer, it goes back to English.

I'm stuck. This is definitely a bug.

When use Text with ImageRenderer, try replace

Text("your localized string resource")


Text(String(localized: "your localized string resource"))

It works on iOS 16 and iOS 17 (since iOS 18 has no this issue).

iOS ImageRenderer Unable to localize text correctly Bug