Request for Code Material from "Improve Core ML Integration with Async Prediction" Session

I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the opportunity to watch the insightful session titled "Improve Core ML Integration with Async Prediction" and was thoroughly impressed by the depth of information and the practical demonstration provided. The session offered valuable insights that I believe would greatly benefit my ongoing projects and my understanding of Core ML integration.

As I am keen on implementing the demonstrated workflows and techniques within my own work, I am reaching out to kindly request access to the source code and any related material presented during the session. Having access to the code would enable me to better understand the concepts discussed and apply them more effectively in real-world scenarios.

I believe that being able to review and experiment with the actual code would significantly enhance my learning experience and the implementation efficiency of my projects. It would also serve as a valuable resource for referencing best practices in Core ML integration and async prediction techniques.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I greatly appreciate the effort that went into creating such an informative session and am looking forward to potentially exploring the material in greater depth.

Best regards,

Fabio G.

Request for Code Material from "Improve Core ML Integration with Async Prediction" Session