CloudKit notifications no longer working

I have an app that relies on CloudKit notifications for a core feature, but for about a week now the app is not receiving any CloudKit notifications. This follows a week in which I received "status 500" errors from CloudKit and my app was rendered useless. Those errors mysteriously stopped happening, but my app is still hindered by the lack of CloudKit notifications. I have not gotten any response from Apple on this, despite several attempts through various channels. It's not tenable to build apps that users rely on based on a platform that is so unreliable, and for which support is essentially nonexistent.

To any CloudKit developers reading this: Please follow up with me so that I can resolve these issues for my users.

Please use the Feedback Assistant and be sure to share your container name and ideally some request UUIDs, if available, along with the URL to this post.

From Feedback Assistant, choose Developer Technologies & SDKs. For technology use CloudKit and feedback as Incorrect / Unexpected Behavior. If you share your FB number here (look under your "Submitted" section in Feedback Assistant) we can find it quickly.

Feedback number: FB13709321

Based on the response I received today to my request for technical support, it seems that there are some ongoing problems with CloudKit that Apple is investigating.

You should see an update in your feedback request shortly, but in summary, 98% of your errors are Quota Exceeded, when attempting to upload assets into CloudKit. This occurs when a user is out of iCloud storage.

It is essential to properly handle error messages from the CloudKit framework to give the user the best experience when situations like this arise--please take a look at to better understand the errors coming back from CloudKit framework and ensure you're not blindly retrying operations for situations like this.

No, this is not related to the "Quota exceeded" errors. I am aware of those and already handle them, since many people don't have enough iCloud storage and my app uses a large amount of storage. The problem I'm discussing here is the "status 500" errors that occurred for about a week and rendered my app useless, and then suddenly stopped happening. And now there is a different problem: CloudKit notifications are not being received by my app. These have always worked before and suddenly stopped working around the same time as the "status 500" errors. I'm still waiting for a resolution of this problem, which has disabled an important feature that my users rely on.

We'll have to discuss in your FB since this is a public forum and details of your app cannot be discussed here.

CloudKit notifications no longer working