Can you have two separate model containers with SwiftData?

Hello. See the code below.

struct ContentView: View {

    var body: some View {
        TabView {
                .tabItem({ Label("Vehicles", systemImage: "car.fill")})
                .modelContainer(for: Vehicle.self)
                .tabItem { Label("Transactions", systemImage: "dollarsign") }
                .modelContainer(for: Transaction.self)

Using the .modelContainer() in this way seems to be causing some issue. I was under the assumption that this would just create a container for each view. I get the error below in this configuration. If I comment out either one of the .modelContainer() modifiers, it works fine.

Query encountered an error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The file “” couldn’t be opened."

Are you not able to do what I'm doing? Is there a way to have two separate containers?

Can you have two separate model containers with SwiftData?