Should an App’s privacyInfo.xcprivacy File Include SDK Details?

Hello, I need help understanding how to manage the privacyInfo.xcprivacy file for apps. Do I need to include privacy details from SDKs in the app’s own file? For instance, if an SDK’s file mentions "Privacy Tracking Enabled: YES," does the app need the same setting? Also, if the SDK lists "Device ID" as a Collected Data Type, should the app list it too?

I thought it was best to keep the app’s privacy file just about the app itself and not add SDK information to avoid making things too complex. But I can’t find clear rules on this.

Can someone clarify this for me? Thanks!

Read the manual.

Do I need to include privacy details from SDKs in the app’s own file

No. Third-party SDKs need to provide their own privacy manifest files that record the types of data they collect. Your app’s privacy manifest file doesn’t need to cover data collected by third-party SDKs that your app links to. For more information, see Describing data use in privacy manifests.

Should an App’s privacyInfo.xcprivacy File Include SDK Details?