AppKit/Mac Catalyst apps are being rejected by App Review for launching default web browser for login

It seems that all macOS apps currently going through App Review which use ASWebAuthenticationSession (or SwiftUI webAuthenticationSession) are being rejected, because:

Reason given:

Guideline 4.0 - Design The user is taken to the default web browser to sign in or register for an account, which provides a poor user experience.

See here for more details:

If webAuthenticationSession is no longer permitted for production apps, what is the current recommended approach for implementing OAuth 2 authentication?

I'm encountering the same issue with my SwiftUI macOS app. I really don't know what to do anymore about this; my macOS builds get rejected randomly because I'm using webAuthenticationSession.

In the end I had to escalate to the App Review Board, who approved the release. Since then I’ve added some text at the top of the “Notes” section of each release asking App Review not to reject me for 4.0 as use of a browser in this way is a) required and b) has been approved by App Review Board. I haven’t had an issue since then.

Really not good that you are still getting rejected for this though - it doesn’t reflect well on App Review that this message still hasn’t got out.

AppKit/Mac Catalyst apps are being rejected by App Review for launching default web browser for login