Problem with Xcode connecting visionpro device

Hi, guys.

I am preparing to develop a Vision Pro app with Unity. The Play to Device, which connects Unity Engine and Vision Pro, worked well, and there was no problem with the connection with Vision Pro simulator.

But when I tried to connect Xcode and Vision Pro, I couldn't see Vision Pro itself in the device list. (The iPhone 11, which was wired as a test, recognizes well.)

I looked up the forum and it was simple to connect. The link to the post I found is below.

I don't know why it's not working even though I look up YouTube.

Leaving my work environment, I'd appreciate it if you could leave a helpful answer.

MacBook : M2 MacBook

Xcode Ver. : 15.3

VisionPro Ver. : 1.1.2

Developer accounts: All use the same Apple developer account

Problem with Xcode connecting visionpro device