AVAudioEngine connectMIDI with eventListBlock always sends MIDI 2.0 events

I connect two AVAudioNodes by using

- (void)connectMIDI:(AVAudioNode *)sourceNode to:(AVAudioNode *)destinationNode format:(AVAudioFormat * __nullable)format eventListBlock:(AUMIDIEventListBlock __nullable)tapBlock

and add a AUMIDIEventListBlock tap block to it to capture the MIDI events.

Both AUAudioUnits of the AVAudioNodes involved in this connection are set to use MIDI 1.0 UMP events:

[[avAudioUnit AUAudioUnit] setHostMIDIProtocol:(kMIDIProtocol_1_0)];

But all the MIDI voice channel events received are automatically converted to UMP MIDI 2.0 format. Is there something else I need to set so that the tap receives MIDI 1.0 UMPs?

(Note: My app can handle MIDI 2.0, so it is not really a problem. So this question is mainly to find out if I forgot to set the protocol somewhere...).


AVAudioEngine connectMIDI with eventListBlock always sends MIDI 2.0 events