"Enable-Private-Data" in a command line application ..

I've read the definitive "Recording Private Data in the System Log" by @eskimo and the words at man 5 os_log and written code to, specifically, turn on "Enable-Private-Data" in my app.

My application is a command line and I've configured Xcode to insert what I believe to be the appropriate incantations in an Info.plist file into the unstructured executable binary. When I run the app with Terminal, I see <private> output in the Console app where I expect values to be displayed in a public manner.

Nothing I've read says that <key>Enable-Private-Data</key><true/> doesn't apply to command line apps, and my own understanding of the value of of the logging mechanism rejects that notion because logging is performed all over macOS, not just in a ***.app environment.

A this point, I'm firmly convinced this unexpected behavior is of my own doing, but I have paused the search for my (probably embarrassing) mistake, to write this note because of a 1% doubt I'm wrong.

I'd be very happy to receive the, expected, assurance that logging configuration via an embedded Info.plist in a command line app does influence logging behavior. With that assurance, I'll know it's my problem and I'll search/find/fix. On there way there, I'll create the simplest command line app that exhibits this anomaly -- which will likely reveal my error and, if not, it'll be fodder for a bug report.

Embedding an Info.plist into a command line app is a tad out of the ordinary but I've done it before (using Xcode or SPM) to carry knowledge into a CLI via a mainBundle.infoDictionary .. and in the particular case described above, I've printed that infoDictionary to show the successful embedding, viz:

 . . . . 

"OSLogPreferences": {
    "com.ramsaycons" =     {
        "DEFAULT-OPTIONS" =         {
            "Enable-Private-Data" = 1;

 . . . .

Sonoma 14.5 / Xcode 15.4 / MBP (Apple M1 Max)

The logging from my command line app is all generated from an embedded library. That same library when used in a *.app context, with the same log-behavior-modifying Info.plist directives, renders private items publicly, as expected .. bafflement ensues!

A minimal command line app is exhibiting the same unexpected behavior, and there's not much left to make mistakes in.

Hopefully, someone will point out an appallingly simple error, else, I'll wrap this up into an FB.


import Foundation
import OSLog

let loggingTest = Logger(subsystem: "com.ramsaycons", category: "LoggingTest")
loggingTest.log("info: \(Bundle.main.infoDictionary!)")


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Xcode run output (whitespace modified for readability):

info: [
"DTPlatformBuild": , "LSMinimumSystemVersion": 14.5, "DTXcode": 1540, 
"CFBundleSupportedPlatforms": <__NSArrayM 0x600000e58720>(MacOSX), 
"DTSDKName": macosx14.5, "DTCompiler": com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0, 
"DTXcodeBuild": 15F31d, "DTSDKBuild": 23F73, "DTPlatformName": macosx, 
"DTPlatformVersion": 14.5, "BuildMachineOSBuild": 23F79, 
"OSLogPreferences": {
    "com.ramsaycons" =     {
        "DEFAULT-OPTIONS" =         {
            "Enable-Private-Data" = 1;

Program ended with exit code: 0

Console.app output:

default	17:16:33.869184-0400	LoggingTest	info: <private>

I would classify this as a bug, and I encourage you to file a bug report about it. Please post your bug number, for the record.

But, just for fun, lemme explain what’s happening here…

The system log API exists below Foundation. That makes sense when you think about it: Foundation needs to be able to call the system log API, at a minimum in order to implement NSLog.

That means that the system log API can’t use NSBundle. Instead it has its own bundle wrangling code [1]. AFAICT that code doesn’t have the smarts to recognise the __TEXT / __info_plist section, and that means that the system log can’t find the OSLogPreferences property in that section.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

[1] Actually, it relies on XPC for this [2]. XPC has to have its own bundle code for similar reasons.

[2] The low-level XPC implementation, not NSXPCConnection. The latter is part of Foundation.

Thanks, Quinn, for the explanation; I like the "for fun" stuff .. it makes perfect sense, and is a little obvious after the fact!

In passing, I'll mention finding another way of defeating <private> (which I won't be explicit about, though it's not too hard to find). Dropping a particular plist file into a particular /Library/Preferences/.. location enables opening <private> for a command line app (and everything else). It's not useful to me (and neither is the config profile) because I need to ask someone else, with a wider range of models of the hardware I'm working with), to run my program. I won't ask someone else to open global holes in their security .. an app-local solution which only opens <private> for that one app and only for the duration of its execution is essential. For my immediate need, I can wrap the command line into a trivial *.app.

I'll file a bug and report the FB# here ..

Dropping a particular plist file

Yeah, that’s pretty much equivalent to the configuration file approach that I reference in Recording Private Data in the System Log.



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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

"Enable-Private-Data" in a command line application ..