Curious Synchronisation issue with Core Data

My app uses Core Data to store an synchronise the data. It runs on iOS, iPadOS and now WatchOS. The records are stored in the private and shared CloudKit database. Running the app in developer mode, syncing is fine for all devices. But as soon as I switch to production mode using TestFlight, the Watch only syncs the data of the shared records, while iPad and iPhone still are syncing all records (private and shared) correctly.

I run out of ideas where to search for the reason of this problem. I use one module to setup the persistent store for iOS, iPadOs and WatchOS.

Any ideas are well come.

I think I forgot one aspect: Not only Core Data is used but also Cloud Kit, to enable the synchronization between the devices.

Next thing to be a bit more clear: The issue is NOT related to the private and shared database (sorry for that), but only to the private database with two "Regular_Custom_Zone". One "" and one "**" zone. iPhone and iPad are syncing all records of both zones in development mode as well as in production mode (TestFlight). But the Watch only syncs the ".share.*" zone in production mode while it syncs also the ".zone" when in development mode as iPhone and iPad are doing. All devices use the same codeline for accessing Core Data / CloudKit.

Curious Synchronisation issue with Core Data