Apple Maps cannot route to Latitude & Longitude

I've started getting reports of this today and I am able to replicate it on my end but looking to see if anyone else can verify or if it's possibly regional to me (Canada).

In Apple Maps (iOS or macOS), if you search a latitude and longitude -- for example: "49.110,-112.110" and search, it centers on the location as it always has and shows the "Directions" button. When you tap the directions button, I get "A route can't be shown because of a problem connecting to the server.".

Alternatively, if you pass the coordinate in via Apple Maps URL (,-112.110) it will route but the route is no longer to those specific coordinates, Apple Maps alters them to some nearest known entity (in this case, the RM of Warner County). If you compare the suggested route end destination with the search results for specifically entering the coordinates, you will see they are different locations and mapping routes are not actually taking you to the coordinates anymore.

In the last photo attached, the arrow points to where "49.110,-112.110" is actually located which tapping the "Directions" button cannot figure out a route because of a server issue. If you pass it in via URL, it changes the destination coordinates and begins a route quite a ways away from the intended coordinate.

The problem started happening either this morning or last night.

Can anyone else confirm this happens to them?

Thanks, Mike

This is still occurring, here is another example.

  • The first URL in each Apple/Google Maps links shows the coordinate 50.50, -105.50 accurately mapped.
  • The second URL passes in the same coordinate but as a destination address, Google Maps accurately defines a route as close as possible using the roadways, Apple Maps takes you to an entirely different location. Based on my current location, it's physically the wrong direction but that would depend where you set your starting direction.

Apple Maps,-105.50&q=Accurate+Coordinate+Location,-105.5515

Google Maps,-105.50,-105.50

I've included links to Google Maps which shows the expected result, this is how Apple Maps used to function on May 16, 2024.

I've attached a screenshot showing the results of both Apple Maps links above. You can see the marked location is north of the city of Moose Jaw but the suggested route takes you south of the city and ends nowhere near the marked pin.

Hello Mike, I can verify that this issue is also happening in the United States, we got some reports about it on the morning of May 19th, 2024.

Hello, I am facing the same issue, the "" direction function is not accurated as google map direction

also, I found a wear thing

I open map on Mac, then randomly drop a pin, and make a drive direction (show as screen shot) , then. I do copy the link ( from the top navigation bar, -> Edit -> Copy Link),%20Warner%20County%20No.%205%20AB,%20Canada&dirflg=d&saddr=Lethbridge,%20Lethbridge%20AB,%20Canada

afte decode the URL address
    Lethbridge, Lethbridge AB, Canada
    Warner County No. 5, Warner County No. 5 AB, Canada

then I paste the url to a browser, and allow the browser jump back to apple map, the direction is completely away from the original drop pin

Just posting an update since this is coming up on a week, I haven't heard anything back from my requests for support yet.

I have opened a ticket via Feedback Assistant on May 17 -- FB13802224

I also used one of my code-level support requests on May 20 but have not heard back yet.

In an attempt to find a workaround for my customers, I can't find any way to do it via the URL scheme anymore. So I started looking at native MapKit and MKMapItem. It produces different results but not satisfactory to my needs.

let coordinates = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 49.110, longitude: -112.110)
let placemark = MKPlacemark(coordinate: coordinates, addressDictionary: nil)
let mapItem = MKMapItem(placemark: placemark) = "49.110, -112.110"

let launchOptions = [MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey: MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving]
mapItem.openInMaps(launchOptions: launchOptions)

Maybe this is normal behaviour, I will admit I have not used this prior but doing this, moves the pin marker off the requested location and instead places it at the end of the route line. It's certainly closer but I am looking to match the "daddr" behaviour which left the pin marker at exactly "49.110,-112.110" and drew the route line and stated "Directions end at closest road to destination.".

Just to include more URL based examples...,-112.110,-112.110

Both of these used to produce the same results, the Google Maps link is a good example of what the expected behaviour is. Instead, Apple Maps is changing the destination to what I believe is the centre of the Rural Municipality which is 25km (straight line distance, more if you use roadways) away from the requested coordinate.

If anyone has any ideas or insight, I would really appreciate it.

We are facing something similar as well. I switched to ll with a value in q. apple maps in iOS puts the camera in the correct location but it does not drop a pin. The same link works as expected in mac os.

We are experiencing the same issue. Our work around is using<address>,<city>&ll=<latitude>,<longitude> Which is less than ideal.

Just posting an update since it has been a while.

I received a response from Apple Developer Technical Support that they believe the issue would be best handled by the relevant engineering team directly, as it may require changes to the OS, tools, or the frameworks I am using.

I need to look through the WWDC announcements to see if there is perhaps a new URL scheme.

We have experienced the same problem with some coordinates in Germany. When we give lat and long the marker itself is placed correctly. If we want to calculate the route, the marker gets way off in lat and long.

We've tried with using the link setup like @BillwoodMarbles suggested and that kinda works. But when using this setup the dirflg parameter (which we use to tell Apple Maps that it should calculate the route for pedestrians, not cars for example) is ignored by Apple Maps.

@macmyday yes, in my case using the &ll=coords&q=description does not work since it plots the pin properly but when you tap the directions button, it moves the pin to the end of the driving route which couple be multiple miles away from the plotted coordinates. This might work for some who deal in locations that are nearby roads and the pin only moves a very small amount.

I'm at a loss on how to get a response from Apple on this, I'm frustrated and based on some of the emails I am getting, so are my customers.

Apple Maps cannot route to Latitude &amp; Longitude