Builds disappeared from TestFlight

Hi everyone,

I'm addressing a strange issue with TestFlight.

Basically all older builds of my app are disappeared from TestFlight and I was able to choose only the last one I've uploaded. Plus, because it must be reviewed, now the app has been automatically set as "Not available for testing".


Instead if I navigate to "Activity > All builds" I'm able to see all the builds with "External testing status" = "Ready to test".


Is someone else addressing the same issue?

Thanks in advance.

Same Here. Were you able to solve this?

Many apps dissapeared from my testflight. I tried to redeem them again by removing myself form the itunes connect testing group and added me again.

By pressing on the invitation email I get the app's box with the install button, but when I press Install I get a "Unable to accept invite. You've already accepted the invite for this app." message.

Any help?


Apparently this has been going on for a while.

I'm experiencing the same issue, and it does not appear that any forums have a solution.....

Same issue.


Im having the same issue, It say that Uploading and processing was success (emailed me) and disappear the build from testflight. Has someone solve this issue?

I've also got the same issue.

I can see my build in the Activity tab and can view information about it, including that the Binary State is Validated.

I can also select the binary in the App Store section under 'Build'.

However when I view the TestFlight tab, the version is listed and I expand it but there's nothing listed there. Previous builds still exist and when I expand them I can see the full build information including Testing and External Testers status.

So just to add an ending to this one, I called Apple support and it turns out the issue was that for some reason my ipa wasn't signed with my distribution key.

I'd recently updated my build process and it seems that this step was missed.

After resigning my ipa with a distribution profile and uploading again (new version number) this fixes the issue and my build is now available in the TestFlight tab.

Builds disappeared from TestFlight