How to show user heading (facing direction) in MapKit SwiftUI

I want to show what direction a user is facing (the blue cone that you get in Apple Maps), but I can't find a way to show it with SwiftUI. The closest I've found is this init signature for UserAnnotation:

But it only gives heading data once you press the map orientation button, to always show the forward direction. I want to show the cone in the normal map, without reorienting it.

I've also been trying to figure this out for a while. It seems like the only way to do it with apple's version is with mapView.userTrackingMode = .followWithHeading

Looks like only AppleMaps can actually use it without it changing the map orientation. Best thing to do is to create your own .png and overlay it ontop of yourself like in Life360

How to show user heading (facing direction) in MapKit SwiftUI