green screen of death

I bought my 13 pm in Dec 2021. Not only usage of 1.5 years but my phone experienced the white screen of death during the mid of 2023. I had to pay 150+ to repair it. Not even a year later i experienced the black screen of death which turned to green screen. I bought it to the authorized apple service provider and they told me as long as my screen shows a green screen i could get it fix for free. But when I came back the next day they told me that they were not sure if i could get it fix for free and if i rejected placing the screen which cause 500sgd u have to pay 65 sgd serivce fee. But when i went for the first time they didnt say anything about it? Its a scam to be honest. My phone is in good condition flawless with no scratches. Have no overheating or liquid problem and this happen to me. I previously had 8p and use it for 5 years and there was no need for repair. After 2.5 years of using 13pm it experience so much problems. I love apple but im dissapointed. I spend a total of 2k plus on the phone and repairs.

green screen of death