After upgrading to macOS 14.5, the FileProvider extension is constantly restarted by the system.

When upgrading to macOS 14.5, the FileProvider extension is consistently restarted by the system. This issue was not encountered with macOS 14.0, where the FileProvider extension typically remained uninterrupted.

Additionally, I observed that when adding multiple domains using the same process, only one FileProvider extension would operate in 14.0, whereas in 14.5, a separate extension runs for each domain.

I haven't found any release notes mentioning this change. Is this behavior intended?

I also have filled a feedback FB13810567.

As of macOS 14.4, the system will create one extension process per domain. Prior to macOS 14.4, the system would create a single extension process for all domains in a given provider.

It is expected that the system will terminate extensions which have no outstanding completion handlers. Or after a timeout, if there are outstanding completion handlers which are taking too long to be called (on iOS only). See the header files for documentation on those timeouts.

If you think your extension is being terminated while there are outstanding completion handlers, you should install the iCloud Drive logging profile (, reproduce the issue, and attach a new sysdiagnose to the feedback that you’ve filed.

After upgrading to macOS 14.5, the FileProvider extension is constantly restarted by the system.