Issues with Apple Pay Issuer integration


I am having issues with Apple Pay for issuers.

  1. I am not able to get passes from my Apple Watch. I am 100% sure that my Apple Watch is paired, and debug logs show that a remote pass library exists. The issue is that I have my card added on both my phone and watch, and I always get a blank passes array for my Apple Watch. This is the code I am using:
let localPasses = PKPassLibrary().passes().compactMap { $0 as? PKSecureElementPass }
    let remotePasses = PKPassLibrary().remoteSecureElementPasses
  1. When the card is already added to my phone, when I tap the "Add to Apple Wallet" button on in-app provisioning, I still get a choice to add the card to either my phone or watch, which is not correct. I am getting the FPANID from the other pass in my wallet and setting it on PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration.primaryAccountIdentifier, which according to the docs should be all that is required.

Any help is appreciated!

Thank you.

Issues with Apple Pay Issuer integration