Wrong hitTest results in iOS 17.2

We’re experiencing an issue with wrong SceneKit hit testing results in iOS 17.2 compared with iOS 16.1 when using the either Metal or OpenGLES2 engines.

Tapping on a 3D model to place a SCNNode

// pointInScene: tapped point
let hitResults = sceneView.hitTest(pointInScene, options: nil)

return hitResults.first { $0.node.name?.compare("node_name") == .orderedSame }

The node will be placed underneath of the 3D model I am tapping in iOS 17.2 which was not a case in iOS 16.1.

I also noticed that when the 3D model skinner is removed, the hitTest is true again but it is not ideal solution since we do need the skinner for skeleton animation.

Wrong hitTest results in iOS 17.2