Customising the dock & app library via HomeScreenLayout in iPad

In the case of organizational iPad devices, we need to have them in a more organized way via the homescreenlayout payload. We need to control the dock and the app library. We will be allowing certain apps on the device via allowListedAppBundleIDs, so we want to disable the recent apps in the dock and prevent apps from being duplicated in the app library, including recent apps and Siri suggestions. If there are more options to control the complete screen layout on the device, it would be helpful.

Please go to and file feedback for this feature request. In your feedback I suggest splitting your feedback into two parts: What you're asking for, and why you want it.

Your request describes the ability to manage the Dock and App Library, so more detail on how you'd like that to work would help.

You wrote that you need this capability. In your feedback, please provide more information about why you need this. What's the bad outcome for you or your users with the way things are now, and how would this requested capability alleviate that?

Customising the dock & app library via HomeScreenLayout in iPad