On my iOS 18 phone,"requestAVAssetForVideo" returned a path with other characters

When I call requestAVAssetForVideo to retrieve a video for upload, the system appends a string of unknown characters to the returned path. like this: /var/mobile/Media/DCIM/101APPLE/IMG_1034.MOV#YnBsaXN0MDDRAQJfEBtSZxxxx1vZGUQAAgLKQAAAAAAAAEBAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAr

ps: I encountered a similar issue before when retrieving spatial videos on systems below iOS 18.

Answered by Media Engineer in 790718022

Hi ijklx!

AVAssets provided by PHImageManager are generally meant for playback purposes. If you'd like to obtain a file URL for a video, there are some better options.

One is PHAssetResourceManager, which is the API specifically for retrieving files associated with assets.

Another option is PHImageManager.requestExportSession(forVideo:options:exportPreset:resultHandler:). You can configure the export session to export the video to a specific file URL in the format you prefer.

Does anyone know the significance of these characters?

Accepted Answer

Hi ijklx!

AVAssets provided by PHImageManager are generally meant for playback purposes. If you'd like to obtain a file URL for a video, there are some better options.

One is PHAssetResourceManager, which is the API specifically for retrieving files associated with assets.

Another option is PHImageManager.requestExportSession(forVideo:options:exportPreset:resultHandler:). You can configure the export session to export the video to a specific file URL in the format you prefer.

On my iOS 18 phone,"requestAVAssetForVideo" returned a path with other characters