Private Cloud Compute more details?

Great post and I'd love to get on the action to help as a security researcher. There is a call to action, but it seems to be postponed until "after PCC becomes available in beta". Who at Apple should I keep in touch with and what is the best way to communite with that team.

Thanks, François Proulx Software Supply Chain Security Research Lead at

Answered by CMDdev in 790470022

Maybe this will be a program just like the SRD?

Who at Apple should I keep in touch with and what is the best way to communite with that team.

If you want to keep in touch with the Product Security team, their email address is, and they also have a PGP key (since you can send vulnerability reports which are sensitive in nature).

They'll definitely make more announcements on this in the future, so keep an eye on the security research website.

Accepted Answer

Maybe this will be a program just like the SRD?

Who at Apple should I keep in touch with and what is the best way to communite with that team.

If you want to keep in touch with the Product Security team, their email address is, and they also have a PGP key (since you can send vulnerability reports which are sensitive in nature).

They'll definitely make more announcements on this in the future, so keep an eye on the security research website.

Private Cloud Compute more details?