Evaluating Apple Search Ads for Game Monetization: User Experiences and Cost-Effectiveness

This inquiry seeks insights from individuals with experience running Apple Search Ads campaigns for games on the App Store. The primary focus is on understanding the effectiveness of this platform for game monetization.

Specifically, valuable contributions would include:

  • Performance: Sharing experiences with Apple Search Ads, both positive and negative.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Insights into the cost per install (CPI) and return on investment (ROI) achieved through Apple Search Ads campaigns.
  • Conversion Rates: Data on the percentage of users who clicked on the ad and ultimately bought, downloaded or made in-app purchases within the game.

By sharing this information, we can collectively gain a clearer understanding of the potential of Apple Search Ads as a monetization strategy for mobile games.

Evaluating Apple Search Ads for Game Monetization: User Experiences and Cost-Effectiveness