CloudKit Request - CKAsset size limit and public database storage per active user


I had a WWDC Lab with two CloudKit engineers who asked me to file a "Feedback Request" for critical information regarding CloudKit. I've filed the FB and have also decided to post a forum post to increase my chances of having these critical questions answered. If allowed, I will also post responses to my FB here.


I would like to know how large assets attached to a CKAsset can get before being rejected by the system. If the figure differs for private and public databases, please also let me know.

CloudKit pricing information

There used to be pricing information available on the website, but there's basically no information now. This makes it hard to calibrate user upload limits for my app in order to avoid overage fees.

I'm not looking to game the system, (something this strange opaqueness is likely meant to prevent); I'm just looking to avoid a situation where competitors and vandals abuse my the content upload system so I get smacked by large bills out of nowhere. A rough figure of how many GB of data each active user adds to my app's CloudKit public database would suffice.

While we're at it, if I have two apps that share a public database (if that's possible), do the active user counts of both contribute to the public database's free threshold?

CloudKit Request - CKAsset size limit and public database storage per active user