Issue with new Sonoma 14.5 update

What is the correct way to force new update when is not showing up in the Software Updates? Device current OS version is 14.4 and to be complient it is needed to be upgraded to 14.5

Device: MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) 8-Core Intel Core i9

  1. After trying following command
softwareupdate -l

I am getting

Software Update Tool
Finding available software

No new software available.
  1. After downloading the update from here: we are receiving 14.4 update

Please advise what else can be done in this case.


Answered by DTS Engineer in 790815022

Because you're updating from the released 14.4 to released 14.5, your issue isn't really a developer-specific question, so it's not likely to get a useful answer here. A good place to try instead would be the Apple Support Community.

Because you're updating from the released 14.4 to released 14.5, your issue isn't really a developer-specific question, so it's not likely to get a useful answer here. A good place to try instead would be the Apple Support Community.

Issue with new Sonoma 14.5 update