dyld: Symbol not found: ScrollView scrollDisabled

With 16.0b1, I am seeing a runtime error of:

Symbol not found: _$s7SwiftUI10ScrollViewV14scrollDisabledyACyxGSbF

This happens in both our app and test host apps. We are using Simulator 17.0.1.

Has anyone else seen this issue? I'm still looking for anything that might be amiss, but it looks fine and runs on 15.4 fine.

Edit: I have confirmed that this only happens when running 17.x simulators.

Edit: I have confirmed that this only happens when running 17.x simulators.

Just to make sure I'm understanding this correctly, the exact same code using the scrollDisabled function in SwiftUI compiles with Xcode 16 beta and runs on an iOS 17 device, but does not compile with Xcode 16 beta and run with an iOS 17 simulator?

If so, that's worth a bug report. Ideally, you could include a very small test project attached that uses that function the same way as your real app does. Once you open the bug report, please post the FB number here for my reference.

If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

Just wanted to know this reproduces easily. Deployment Target 17.0 iOS Simulator 17.x - Crashes on Startup iOS Simulator 18.x - Doesn't crash

The entire code is just

ScrollView {
 // Anything
.scrollDisabled(true) // --> This causes the crash on 17.x, Xcode 16

It does reproduce easily with just that little snippet — thanks so much for that reduction! I'd appreciate if you could file a bug report with that snippet and the error message so that we can look into it further. Once you open the bug report, please post the FB number here for my reference.

If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

dyld: Symbol not found: ScrollView scrollDisabled