Interacting with 3D objects in VisionOS

I am developing an application that has a 3D model, developed on blender in parts and then combined and pushed to Reality Composer Pro. I would like to be able to select parts of the model such as the right arm, and when that's done, a description window to open up with more information. How do I go about selecting a part of my model?

Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 791155022


Here's a bunch of steps on how to do this. You'll need to create the tap gesture, install the gesture on the RealityView, and then set the collision and input target components.

Create a tap gesture:

 // Build a tap gesture
    private var tapGesture: some Gesture {
        return SpatialTapGesture()
            .onEnded {
                let previous = entityModel.currentEntity
                // Change the current entity to the tapped one
                entityModel.currentEntity = .init(rawValue: $ ?? .none
                // If it's the same entity tapped, deselect it
                if entityModel.currentEntity == previous {
                    entityModel.currentEntity = .none

Here, I have a data model that holds the current entity (as an enum) which is the entity that is tapped. I am deselecting the entity on tap and selecting a new one.


Install the tap gesture on the RealityView

RealityView {
.gesture(tapGesture) //if you have multiple gestures, use .simultaneousGesture instead



Here's how to set the collision and input target components, but this quickly just became an entire example on how to load and set the components of an entity :)

  if let loadedEntity = try? await Entity(named: someTitle, in: realityKitContentBundle) {
//load an entity from your Reality Composer pro scene ^

                    // Find the model component by looking for the name of the model entity in Reality Composer Pro (has the little box to the left of it in the asset navigator)
                    let modelComponentEntity = loadedEntity.findEntity(named: modelEntityName) as! ModelEntity
                    guard var modelComponent = modelComponentEntity.components[ModelComponent.self]
                    else { return }
                    // if you need to set the material, do it here
                    if let material = someMaterial {
                        modelComponent.materials = [material]
                    // If you need to, generate mesh in a specific shape and set the collisionComponent.
                    let shape = try? await ShapeResource.generate(from: modelComponent.mesh)
                    modelComponentEntity.components.set(CollisionComponent(shapes: [shape!]))
                    // Set the model component
                    //Configure the entity for tap interaction - this allows for both direct and indirect input
modelComponentEntity.components.set(InputTargetComponent(allowedInputTypes: .all))
//if you want a hover effect, do it here

// set the entity 
                    entity = modelComponentEntity
                    // Add each entity to the root
                    //Set the position
                    entity.position = [0, 0, 1]


There's more gestures in this sample:

It shows you how to use other gestures with 3D objects in visionOS.

Hope this helps,



Here's a bunch of steps on how to do this. You'll need to create the tap gesture, install the gesture on the RealityView, and then set the collision and input target components.

Create a tap gesture:

 // Build a tap gesture
    private var tapGesture: some Gesture {
        return SpatialTapGesture()
            .onEnded {
                let previous = entityModel.currentEntity
                // Change the current entity to the tapped one
                entityModel.currentEntity = .init(rawValue: $ ?? .none
                // If it's the same entity tapped, deselect it
                if entityModel.currentEntity == previous {
                    entityModel.currentEntity = .none

Here, I have a data model that holds the current entity (as an enum) which is the entity that is tapped. I am deselecting the entity on tap and selecting a new one.


Install the tap gesture on the RealityView

RealityView {
.gesture(tapGesture) //if you have multiple gestures, use .simultaneousGesture instead



Here's how to set the collision and input target components, but this quickly just became an entire example on how to load and set the components of an entity :)

  if let loadedEntity = try? await Entity(named: someTitle, in: realityKitContentBundle) {
//load an entity from your Reality Composer pro scene ^

                    // Find the model component by looking for the name of the model entity in Reality Composer Pro (has the little box to the left of it in the asset navigator)
                    let modelComponentEntity = loadedEntity.findEntity(named: modelEntityName) as! ModelEntity
                    guard var modelComponent = modelComponentEntity.components[ModelComponent.self]
                    else { return }
                    // if you need to set the material, do it here
                    if let material = someMaterial {
                        modelComponent.materials = [material]
                    // If you need to, generate mesh in a specific shape and set the collisionComponent.
                    let shape = try? await ShapeResource.generate(from: modelComponent.mesh)
                    modelComponentEntity.components.set(CollisionComponent(shapes: [shape!]))
                    // Set the model component
                    //Configure the entity for tap interaction - this allows for both direct and indirect input
modelComponentEntity.components.set(InputTargetComponent(allowedInputTypes: .all))
//if you want a hover effect, do it here

// set the entity 
                    entity = modelComponentEntity
                    // Add each entity to the root
                    //Set the position
                    entity.position = [0, 0, 1]


There's more gestures in this sample:

It shows you how to use other gestures with 3D objects in visionOS.

Hope this helps,


Interacting with 3D objects in VisionOS