Document-based SwiftData apps fail to identify a store on iPad?

When trying to run my document-based iPad app using iPadOS 18 beta and Xcode 16 beta, I get an error like the following after opening a document:

Thread 1: Fatal error: Failed to identify a store that can hold instances of SwiftData._KKMDBackingData<MyProject.MyModel> from [:]

In order to help track down what is going wrong, I downloaded the sample app from WWDC23 session "Build an app with SwiftData" found here:

When I try to run the end-state of that sample code, I get a similar error when running the app on my iPad and creating a new deck:

Thread 1: Fatal error: Failed to identify a store that can hold instances of SwiftData._KKMDBackingData<SwiftDataFlashCardSample.Card> from [:]

Given that the sample project is generating the same error as my own project, is this a problem with SwiftData and document-based apps in general? Or is there a change of approach that I should try?

Also submitted as FB13950404

I'm seeing the same issue in Xcode 16 bets 2 with a document based app on iOS 18.

Document-based SwiftData apps fail to identify a store on iPad?