Ios 18 dev beta 1 - applepay not working

Iphone 14 pro. After installing ios 18 dev beta 1, i cannot use anymore the applepay. When i put the iPhone near the pos, i double click the per button, i choose the credit card i want to use, but nothing happens. Tried to change credit card, remove card from. Wallet and re add, nothing worked. it is a known bug ?

Anyone else ? Workaround?

I'm living in Italy


Having the same issue.

Yep same issue here, on iPhone 14+ in United Kingdom - cannot make tap to pay payments after installing IOS dev beta 1

Yep same issue however my work around is staying on the Apple wallet window tapping out into another card and then tapping the card you want to use again and it works. quite annoying For traveling

Yeah if card reader does not recognize iPhone With wallet opened, I just close wallet and re open it. It seems it works more often after trying this trick

Same problem. The workaround mentioned occasionally works but in general since the upgrade last week Apple Pay is not working.

My issue is that when I try to add a "pervious" card, I get a prompt to verify it with the Cap One App. I go through the process, and get "we cannot activate this card at this time". Meanwhile on another device running iOS 17, works fine. I tried completely removing it from all devices, adding it to the one with iOS 18; still get the same error. Maybe there is a conflict with the app, Wallet, and iOS 18?

Same issue very annoying Tim C please help get us a fix

Hi @Grisu70,

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention while implementing Apple Pay in your app. To begin investigating the issue, I'll need more information from you, your app, and your device.

Gather Required Data for Troubleshooting Apple Pay Payment Issues

To gather the required data for your own debugging as well as reporting issues, please perform the following steps on the test device:

  1. Install the Apple Pay profile on your iOS or watchOS device. If the issue occurs on Mac, continue to Step 2.
  2. Reproduce the issue and make a note of the timestamp when the issue occurred, while optionally capturing screenshots or video.
  3. Gather a sysdiagnose on the same iOS or watchOS device, or on macOS.
  4. Create a Feedback Assistant report with the following information:
    1. The bundle IDs
      1. App bundle ID
      2. Non-UI app extension bundle ID (if applicable)
      3. UI app extension bundle ID (if applicable)
    2. The serial number of the device.
      1. For iOS and watchOS: open Settings > General > About (tap and hold to copy).
      2. For macOS, open the Apple () menu > About This Mac > Serial Number.
    3. The SEID (Secure Element Identifier) of the device, represented as a HEX encoded string.
      1. For iOS and watchOS: open Settings > General > About > SEID (tap and hold to copy).
      2. For macOS, open the Apple () menu > About This Mac > System Report > NVMExpress > Serial Number.
    4. The sysdiagnose gathered after reproducing the issue.
    5. The timestamp (including timezone) of when the issue was reproduced.
    6. The issuer/network/country of the provisioned card (e.g., Mastercard – US)
    7. Last 4 digits of the FPAN
    8. Last 4 digits of the DPAN (if available)
    9. Was this test initiated from the Issuer App? (e.g., yes or no)
    10. The type of environment (e.g., E2E certification, sandbox or production)
    11. Screenshots or videos of errors and unexpected behaviors (optional).

Once submitted, please respond with the Feedback ID so I may begin my investigation.



Ios 18 dev beta 1 - applepay not working