Xcode Automatic Signing Shows Star Instead of Team ID

Hello everyone,

I'm encountering an issue with Xcode's automatic signing feature. I've enabled "Automatically manage signing" and selected my development team, but instead of displaying the team ID, Xcode shows a star (*) in its place.

Here's a bit more context:

  • "Automatically manage signing" is enabled in the project settings.
  • The selected team works perfectly in other projects.
  • I've double-checked that the team is properly set up and has valid signing certificates.

Despite these steps, Xcode still displays a star (*) instead of the actual team ID. This issue is preventing me from proceeding with my project. Has anyone else experienced this problem or have any suggestions on how to fix it?

Answered by Developer Tools Engineer in 791587022

The * is your app ID, not your team ID. It means you’re using a wildcard app ID, and the provisioning profile you’re seeing will potentially match any app produced by your team. Xcode uses a wildcard app ID if your target doesn’t use any capabilities that require explicitly registering your app ID. This makes it easy to get started on a project or a test app and doesn’t indicate anything is wrong with your project. You can read more about this at https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/qa/qa1713/_index.html

Accepted Answer

The * is your app ID, not your team ID. It means you’re using a wildcard app ID, and the provisioning profile you’re seeing will potentially match any app produced by your team. Xcode uses a wildcard app ID if your target doesn’t use any capabilities that require explicitly registering your app ID. This makes it easy to get started on a project or a test app and doesn’t indicate anything is wrong with your project. You can read more about this at https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/qa/qa1713/_index.html

Xcode Automatic Signing Shows Star Instead of Team ID