Test Flight "The profile can't be installed. Try again."

Our TF account is producing this error when trying to d/l app versions. We went to the dev console, and there was an agreement which needed to be accepted. Other than that there was nothing else. We are trying to resolve this issue.

This is happening to us too. We accepted the updated agreement but our testflight users are unable to install things with the same error message.

I am having the same issue. Pretty sure this is an issue on Apple's side.

Same issue

We are also encountering the same issue on our end

Same here

Same here

Thanks for posting this, had undertaken a huge app refactor today and thought it was due to that. That's wasted debug time I'm not getting back.

Exactly same message since this afternoon for me.

Has anyone tried updating the terms according to this Updated agreements and guidelines now available ?

Same here

Same here

I'm having the same issue. I updated the terms and I'm still having the same issue.

Same here

We are having this issue as well. Trying to install from previous builds also fails with the same error.

Looking in the console logs I found this:

TestFlight Install Request Completed (status = Failed): { bundleID = <redacted>, appType = 2, version = <redacted>, currentTaskStatus = 22, previousTaskStatus = 9, installStatus = 0, reachedTerminalStatus = 1, reachedFailureStatus = 1, reachedCancelledStatus = 0, percentComplete = 0.000000, userFailureReason = <TFError: 0x281ab1560>: errorMessage = The profile can’t be installed. Try again., code = -1, serverCode = 605, serverFailureReason = Error Downloading Install Data, persistentIdentifier = 0, installID = (null) }

We're hitting this as well...

same here ):


Same problem

Same here! Is there anything we can do besides waiting to normalize?

+1, totally blocked on testing our new builds :( it appears that their system status here for TestFlight is still marked 🟢...

Until Apple acknowledges this ongoing issue, I suggest that folks submit support requests through this portal by navigating to Distribution -> TestFlight -> Email

Same here! Please fix that asap

Same here!

+1 here, it's happening with multiple apps in our business account

+1, Same here!

It seems Apple is aware of the issue as seen on this page: https://developer.apple.com/system-status/ Hopefully they'll fix it soon.

Same. Affects old builds as well.

Was cursing at Expo but my rage was misdirected apparently..

Test Flight "The profile can't be installed. Try again."