Apple Pay - canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard

The documentation says that, when calling the method canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard, the method asynchronously contacts Apple pay servers.

My question is, if I want to whitelist the Apple pay servers, should I be referring to this list?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 792544022

Hi @Raj_Jayaraj23,

Yes, you should add the IP ranges in Setting Up Your Server to your server's allow list for both merchant validation (when Apple validates you as a merchant for a payment) as well as for merchant domain verification (when Apple verifies the domain belongs to the registered merchant for your developer account.



Accepted Answer

Hi @Raj_Jayaraj23,

Yes, you should add the IP ranges in Setting Up Your Server to your server's allow list for both merchant validation (when Apple validates you as a merchant for a payment) as well as for merchant domain verification (when Apple verifies the domain belongs to the registered merchant for your developer account.



Apple Pay - canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard