Social network app & posting content via a server

Hello, I have had an app that I created myself with Xcode for a long time and I also had it briefly for about two months as a beta in the App Store. At some point I had to take them out because I couldn't solve the problem with a server. I wanted to have a server via iCloud, Kit and Fire Base to upload and display content such as text images, videos. It should be an app that is very similar or the same as TikTok and Instagram just more data protection more 3-D visual design just a modern design and much better built than TikTok Instagram. Unfortunately, I didn't get it or almost Fire Base did it but the problem is that he always says yes this picture or this video or other error message were displayed, but among other things this error message was displayed. Hold this content can't be found in the server or something like that maybe someone here knows what she can do or knows about Fire Base maybe I did something wrong but actually I really taped everything at Fire Base and checked and switched everything on but nothing worked. I hope you can help me.

Social network app & posting content via a server