Frame Discontinuity Reasons

I have an app that uses a MultiCamCaptureSession, the devices of which are builtInUltraWideCamera and builtInLiDARDepthCamera cameras. Occasionally when outside I get some frame drops due to discontinuity that end in the media services being reset:

[06-24 11:27:13][CameraSession] Capture session runtime error: related decl 'e' for AVError(_nsError: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11819 "Cannot Complete Action" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot Complete Action, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Try again later.})

This runtime error notification is always superseded by 4-5 frame drops :

[06-24 11:27:10][CaptureSession] Dropped frame because Discontinuity

Logging the system temperature shows

[06-24 11:27:10][CaptureSession] Temperature is 'Fair'

I have some inclination that the frame discontinuity is being caused by the whileBalanceMode of the capture session, perhaps the algorithm requires 5 recent frames to work. I had a similar problem with the lidar depth camera where with filtering enabled exactly 5 frame drops would make the media services reset.

When the whiteBalanceMode is locked I do slightly better with 10 frame drops before the mediaServices are reset.

Is there any logging utility to determine the actual reason? All of these sampleBuffers come with no info attachment only the not so useful "Dropped frame because Discontinuity." Any ideas for solving this would be helpful as well. Maybe tuning the camera to work better with quickly varying lighting conditions?

Hi. This is a pretty esoteric multicam setup. Would you please file a bug report at and if possible, include a small sample app that reproduces the problem. You suspect some interaction with white balance and the subsequent frame drops and media server crash. It would be great to include a short video showing the lighting conditions under which you reproduced the crash. Also, please include a sysdiagnose at the time of reproduction. Thank you!

Frame Discontinuity Reasons