AppleTV Simulator SiriRemote not working in App


I'm having a small App in the AppleTV-Simulator which is supposed to use the Siri-Remotes Swipe-Gesture.

It works perfect on the real device but on the simulator the Swipe-Gesture is not recognized in the App but it works on the Start-Screen of the Simulator using the simulated Siri-Remote app.

Here is the code which sets up the xAxis ans yAxis value change handlers:

     #if targetEnvironment(simulator)
             // Simulator
            let siriRemote = GCController.controllers().filter { controller in
                if controller.vendorName == "Gamepad" {
                    return true
                } else {
                    return false
            let sController = siriRemote.first!
            let inputProfile = sController.physicalInputProfile
            let dPad = inputProfile.dpads["Direction Pad"]
            self.dPad = dPad
            self.dPad!.xAxis.valueChangedHandler = self.directionPadXAxisValueChangeHandler
            self.dPad!.yAxis.valueChangedHandler = self.directionPadYAxisValueChangeHandler
                    // Device
                    if let _ = ( notification.object as? GCController)?.microGamepad {
                        let microProfileController = notification.object as! GCController

                        self.microGamePad = microProfileController.microGamepad
                        self.dPad = self.microGamePad!.dpad

                        self.dPad!.xAxis.valueChangedHandler = self.directionPadXAxisValueChangeHandler
                        self.dPad!.yAxis.valueChangedHandler = self.directionPadYAxisValueChangeHandler

Any help is greatly appreciated.



AppleTV Simulator SiriRemote not working in App