What is the reason behind the apple rejects our App from the review which includes FMDB.framework where non of the required reason apis are used

Below is the GitHub link for the FMDB.framework contains privacyinfo.xcprivacy file provided as per the apple documentation were used in our App


I have reviewed the feedback, but I need additional clarification to fully understand the issue. Could you please provide more specific details or examples regarding the following points: We are using FMDB framework version 2.7.11 in our app available at https://github.com/ccgus/fmdb/

  1. The version 4.0.0 submitted had the privacy file packaged as part of SQLCipher.bundle which resides under the FMDB framework. This was rejection with the same reason mentioned above.
  2. As a result, as part of Version 5.0.0 we have copied the privacy from the said bundle and placed it directly under the FMDB framework folder. This is rejected as well with the same reason again.
  3. Is there a concern because of empty values for the privacy keys? The GitHub source at https://github.com/ccgus/fmdb/ with the said version 2.7.11 does not use any APIs of concern listed at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files/describing_use_of_required_reason_api. As a result, the provider may not have provided the values for the keys.
What is the reason behind the apple rejects our App from the review which includes FMDB.framework where non of the required reason apis are used