Unreal/ Apple Connect/ non-public or deprecated API


I get rejected from Apple Store Connect because because "Your app uses or references the following non-public or deprecated APIs:

Contents/Resources/YYYYYYYYY.app/Contents/UE/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Apple/MetalShaderConverter/Mac/libmetalirconverter.dylib Symbols: • __dyld_get_image_uuid

In Terminal, I get this:

otool -Iv /Users/XXXXXXXX/Desktop/XXXXXXXXX/Mac15/YYYYYYYY.app/Contents/UE/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Apple/MetalShaderConverter/Mac/libmetalirconverter.dylib | grep __dyld_get_image_uuid

0x00000000012c62a0 374767 __dyld_get_image_uuid 0x00000000015e8468 374767 __dyld_get_image_uuid

The question is, how to find what is using the __dyld_get_image_uuid in Unreal?

The game is Mac only, not iOS. Any help highly appreciated because I have tried to solve this a month now with no luck.

Unreal 5.4.2, Mac 14.4.1, Xcode 15.4

Thank you in advance and all the best, Ramili

Unreal/ Apple Connect/ non-public or deprecated API