GKVoiceChat not working despite online game successfully connected online

Hello, First of all, I understand that GKVoiceChat has been deprecated and replaced by shareplay but for my situation, it does not seem useful as I will be matching with the random players hence I can not utilise the Facetime(Shareplay) capability.

I have set up a voice chat function using the GKVoiceChat object, my game connects with another player successfully but the voice chat does not work for some reason. The code snippet below is how I implemented it with the help of the tutorial from : apple (Start Voice chat between players)

class OnlineGame {
var voiceChat: GKVoiceChat? = nil

// When online game succesfully connected and game view loaded

 func startVoiceChat() {
        // Handle an unknown, connected, or disconnected player state.
        /// - Tag:voiceChatChangeHandler
        if voiceChat == nil {
            // Create the voice chat object.
            voiceChat = myMatch?.voiceChat(withName: "Gamesession")

        let voiceChatChangeHandler = { (player: GKPlayer, state: GKVoiceChat.PlayerState) -> Void in
            switch state {
            case GKVoiceChat.PlayerState.connected:
                self.voicechatstate = 1
            case GKVoiceChat.PlayerState.disconnected:
                self.voicechatstate = 2
            case GKVoiceChat.PlayerState.speaking:
                self.voicechatstate = 3
            case GKVoiceChat.PlayerState.silent:
                self.voicechatstate = 4
            case GKVoiceChat.PlayerState.connecting:
                self.voicechatstate = 5
            @unknown default:
                print("Player unknown state.")
        // Exit early if the app can't start a voice chat session.
        guard let voiceChat = voiceChat else { return }

        // Handle an unknown, connected, or disconnected player state.
        voiceChat.playerVoiceChatStateDidChangeHandler = voiceChatChangeHandler

        // Set the audio volume.

        // Activate the shared audio session.
        do {
            let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
            try audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playAndRecord, mode: AVAudioSession.Mode.gameChat, options: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions.allowBluetooth)
            try audioSession.setActive(true, options: [])
        catch {
            print("ERROR: \(error.localizedDescription).")

        voiceChat.volume = 0.8
        voiceChat.isActive = true



Thats my implementation of it and hope it explains my issue. Thanks for your assistance in advance!.

Try starting voiceChat first, then set its volume, and then set it active.

GKVoiceChat not working despite online game successfully connected online