Subscription Product Identifier Issue


I am writing to seek your assistance regarding an issue we have encountered with the in-app purchase subscriptions in our application.

Issue Description In our application, when a user initially subscribes and opts for the free trial, the product identifier is co.cleaner.storage_001. However, upon renewal, the product identifier changes to co.cleaner.storage_003. This change is causing issues because our backend system relies on the product identifier to manage subscriptions.

Assistance Required We would like to understand the following:

Does Apple change the product identifier when transitioning from a free trial to a renewal? If so, how should we handle this situation? Is there any configuration or setting that can ensure the same product identifier is used during both the free trial and the renewal period? Any recommendations or solutions to ensure our subscription management system can correctly handle user renewals. Attached are the first free trial data and the renewal notification data for your reference.

Thank you very much for your help and support. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

Subscription Product Identifier Issue