Guideline 4.8 Design Login servies

I have uploaded my app on app store connect but it has been rejected. I received the message about Guideline 4.8 - Design - Login Services. Can you please guide me about how to solve this issue on app store. This is the message i receive from app store: "The app uses a third-party login service, but does not appear to offer an equivalent login option with the following features:

-The login option limits data collection to the user’s name and email address. -The login option allows users to keep their email address private as part of setting up their account. -The login option does not collect interactions with the app for advertising purposes without consent. Next Steps

Revise the app to offer an equivalent login option that meets all of the above requirements.

If the app already includes a login option that meets the above requirements, reply to App Review in App Store Connect, identify which login option meets the requirements, and explain why it meets the requirements.

Additionally, it would be appropriate to update the screenshots in the app's metadata to accurately reflect the revised app once another login service has been implemented."

Is the problem caused by not having Privacy Policy and Terms of Service when using third-party login service? If it is, then I will add the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Guideline 4.8 Design Login servies