I am trying to use a flag image inside a picker like this:
Picker("Title: ", selection: $selection){
ForEach(datas, id: \.self){ data in
if condition {
Image(systemName: "globe")
}else {
All images are loading successfully but only system images are resized correctly.
Images loaded from Assets are appearing in their default size.
I have tried to size the images with frames, etc but with no luck.
Any idea, help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
RSS for tagCreate elegant and intuitive apps that integrate seamlessly with Apple platforms.
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How to create a beautiful fire animation using Swift?
Which API is better to use?
Hi, Since last week, I’ve been trying to publish the new version of my Voxel game, which aims to fix many bugs and significantly optimize the game. This update is very important for improving the overall quality of the game.
Unfortunately, this version is not being accepted on the App Store due to a Design - Copycats issue related to guideline 4.1. I’ve tried everything to resolve the problem by changing the screenshots, app preview, description, game name, icons, and even all metadata that could cause issues in the build. But nothing seems to work.
I keep receiving the same rejection just a few minutes after submitting my build for review.
Here is the full warning message:
—————— “Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats
This app or its metadata appears to be misrepresenting itself as another popular app or game already available on the App Store, from a developer's website or distribution source, or from a third-party platform.
Apps should be unique and should not attempt to deceive users into thinking they are downloading something they are not.”
Next Steps
Learn more about requirements to prevent apps from impersonating other apps or services in guideline 4.1.
Revise the app to comply with these requirements.
Once the app is fully compliant, resubmit the app for review.
Also I've already tried contaction the Apple Developer team but I got no answer. I don't know what to do.
I want to add a tool bar (setting search )to my app just like the apple file app using pure swiftUI, is it possible, if not, can i using a UIKit to implement it.
struct MainView: View {
var body: some View {
TabView {
Tab("View 1", systemImage: "square.grid.3x2") {
Tab("View 2", systemImage: "square.grid.2x2") {
ReferenceError: ReadableStream is not defined
at Object. (/Users/anaadmin/Documents/AnaNewApp/node_modules/@expo/cli/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/response.js:528:3)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1198:14)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1252:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1076:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:911:12)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1100:19)
at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:119:18)
at Object. (/Users/anaadmin/Documents/AnaNewApp/node_modules/@expo/cli/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/index.js:11:5)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1198:14)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1252:10)
After trying out all suggestions and different versions of tools such as XCode, nvm, yarn, node, etc., nothing works for me
i added :
<PROJECT_PATH>/node_modules/@langchain/core/dist/utils/stream.cjs - add const { ReadableStream } = require("web-streams-polyfill");
npm install web-streams-polyfill
Tried downgrading to Node 18 as well as various polyfills but haven't been able to get it to work
Following does not work in xcode
Delete your Podfile.lock (I like to use the command '-rm -rf Podfile.lock' on the terminal for this)
Delete your Pods folder (I like to use the command '-rm -rf Pods' in the terminal for this)
Delete your .xcworkspace
Pod install
Clear your project into XCode> Product> Clean Build Folder
i have tried
cd ios
pod install
Continuously i am getting same error.
Any one know, how to resolve this error
In macOS application, we are using SwiftUI as an entry point to our application and attaching appdelegate using NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor.
We are using NSViewControllerRepresentable to add a View Controller to the hiracrchy so that we can store intance of viewcontroller and add content to it programatically .
struct TWMainApp: App {
@NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor private var appDelegate: TWAppDelegate
internal var body : some Scene {
TWInitialScene ()
TWInitialScene :
public struct TWInitialScene : Scene {
public var body : some Scene {
WindowGroup {
TWInitialView ()
TWInitialView :
struct TWInitialView : View {
@Environment(\.scenePhase) private var scenePhase
var body : some View {
TWAppKitToSwiftUIBridge ()
TWAppKitToSwiftUIBridge :
struct TWNSKitToSwiftUIBridge : NSViewControllerRepresentable {
func makeNSViewController(context: Context) -> TWNSViewController {
let view_hierarchy : TWNSViewController
view_hierarchy = TWStaticContext.sViewController
return view_hierarchy
func updateNSViewController(_ nsViewController: TWNSViewController, context: Context) {
public class TWStaticContext : NSObject
public static let sViewController = TWNSViewController ()
public override init () {}
public static func GetViewController () -> TWNSViewController
return TWStaticContext.sViewController
public class TWNSViewController : NSViewController {
override public func viewDidLoad ()
super.viewDidLoad ()
To add content to the hirarchy we are accessing viewcontroller's intance and adding content to it like this :
public func PaintInitialScreen () {
let label = NSTextField(labelWithString: "TW window")
label.frame = NSRect(x: 100, y: 200, width: 200, height: 200)
// Adding content to viewcontroller
We are using this approach because we have a contraint in our application that we have to update UI programatically and on compile time we dont know what we want to show . We will be adding content on runtime based on how many button we want, what label we want , where to place it etc.
When we were using purely appKit application, doing things programatically was simple but since SwiftUI is a declarative application we have to use above approach.
Rational for shifting to SwiftUI entry point is that we want our application to be future safe and since apple is more inclined to SwiffUI, we want to design our entry flow to use SwiftUI entry point . And SwiftUI being declarative, we are using appKit to add content to hiracrchy programtically.
We have used similar apprach in iOS also , where are using UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor inplace of NSApplicationAdaptor . And UIViewControllerReprestable in place of NSViewControllerRepresentable.
Is this right approach to use ?
I have created a line graph using LineMark in Charts, which by default includes grid lines and axes lines. My requirement is to remove the grid lines but retain the axes lines and the values.
I have tried the following code:
.chartXAxis {
AxisMarks(preset: .extended, values: .stride(by: 2), stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 0))
This is removing grid lines as well as axes lines.
How to retain axes lines while removing grid lines ?
I already have an opinion ( I should never release to a platform without testing on a physical platform device ) on this but wanted to learn from experience and expertise and see if there were any viable options.
My hybrid casual puzzle game is released on the App Store for iOS. (Whew!) Apparently it is compatible to both Mac OS and VisionOS
I would love to make it available everywhere however, I am not sure it is best to do so without testing on these physical devices. Which could also mean making the design adjustments for those devices, having test devices ready etc. and I would have to update my Laptop to silicon.
Has anyone tried this without testing on physical devices? What are your thoughts/best suggestions? Thanks in advance!
We are trying to write an iOS app that supports regular and constrained widths using a TabView with .tabViewStyle(.sidebarAdaptable). On the surface this seems like a great way to write an app that supports all the different widths that your app may run in. Especially since Stage Manager and Apple Vision have made it easy for users to resize your apps window while it is running.
We are facing many challenges though. I will give a brief one liner of each below, but to truly experience them you need to run the sample app, or watch the sample videos included.
Basic TabView Issues
Double Navigation Bar: When tabs are collapsed into a "More" tab, there's an unwanted double navigation bar
Selection Sync: Tab selection gets out of sync when switching between narrow/wide layouts through the "More" tab
TabView Crash
Fatal crash occurs when resizing window to narrow width while Tab 5 is selected
Error: SwiftUI/SidebarAdaptableTabViewStyle_iOS.swift:482: Fatal error: Tried to update with invalid selection value
Section Handling Issues
Section Display Bug: Bottom tabs incorrectly show section names instead of tab names in narrow width
Tab Selection Mismatch: Tab identifiers don't match selected tabs in narrow width mode
Customization Issues
Inconsistent "Edit" button behavior in More tab
Unable to properly disable tab customization
Sample app and video
AppStore download link:https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/%E7%9B%BC%E4%B9%8B%E4%BB%A3%E5%94%AE-%E4%B8%93%E4%B8%9A%E7%9A%84%E6%B8%B8%E6%88%8F%E6%9C%8D%E5%8A%A1%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0/id6737429967. Why can this app be listed on the AppStore when it involves game account transactions? I have recorded and reported many times, but it has no effect. Is it possible to launch the app for game account trading in Chinese Mainland now? Seeking answers.
right now it looks like the app type must follow the guidelines like Messenger app, Navigate app, and Music app only. What about the Automotive app itself, What is the flexibility of it?
We have an app for service cars for one brand (officially)(car users around 1m+). but we looking to merge the experience between outside the car and inside the car. Can we top up some features on the app to share some information that is a part of the car like trip calculation or car info display on the screen? or services time to notice them?
And following that question can we know about the exact spot or brief from Apple car play for now and next-gen?
Or can we work with your team closely as a partner? to make things happen and develop it to be a flagship product, we can share some data and talk about it with real insight.
AppStore download link:https://www.qimai.cn/app/rank/appid/6737429967/country/cn. Why can this app be listed on the AppStore when it involves game account transactions? I have recorded and reported many times, but it has no effect. Is it possible to launch the app for game account trading in Chinese Mainland now? Seeking answers.
I am developing an app that requires calling the iPhone's Face ID module to scan users' facial data. Where can I find Apple's design resources and guidelines for Face ID? The Face ID resources available in Figma are incomplete, and I need more support.
For example, in the iPhone settings, the scenario: the UI interface for scanning the user's face to collect data, specifically the circular design in the "How to Set Up Face ID" screen.
The most recent update included coloured icons for grouping of emails
anybody previously needing to group emails we’re able to achieve this alphabetically by simply searching for what you were looking for.
These icons clutter the page with totally unnecessary screen pollution.
if you want to persist with this folly can you please provide a classic display option for those of us who have happily survived using email for 30 years without this fluff.
I tried to create a Text View using attributedString. I want to set the line height using paragraphStyle and return the Text, but paragraphStyle is not being applied. Why is that?
extension Text {
init?(_ content: String, font: StyleType, color: Color = .ppBlack) {
var attributedString = AttributedString(content)
attributedString.font = Font.custom(font.fontWeight, fixedSize: font.fontSize)
attributedString.foregroundColor = color
let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paragraphStyle.minimumLineHeight = 16
paragraphStyle.maximumLineHeight = 16
paragraphStyle.lineSpacing = 0
attributedString.mergeAttributes(.init([.paragraphStyle: paragraphStyle]))
self = Text(attributedString)
In Apple's Maps app, an annotation is made up of a circle shape or rounded rectangles with a glyph-image.
When selecting an annotation, the annotation animates into a balloon marker (see attached GIF).
How does Apple Maps solve this - from custom annotation to balloon marker with spring animation?
I switched my Maps implementation from SwiftUI to UIKit with a UIViewRepresentable to support annotation clustering - and it works beautifully.
But how to subclass an MKAnnotationView (or MKMarkerAnnotationView <- the balloon) to enable selection and animation as in Apple Maps?
MKMarkerAnnotationView only show balloon markers and I tried everything inside MKAnnotationView (CALayer, etc.)
Hello everyone. I'm building a simple Form in a Multiplatform App with SwiftUI. Originally I had something like this.
import SwiftUI
struct OnboardingForm: View {
@State var firstName: String = ""
@State var lastName: String = ""
@State var email: String = ""
@State var job: String = ""
@State var role: String = ""
var body: some View {
Form {
TextField("First Name", text: $firstName, prompt: Text("Required"))
TextField("Last Name", text: $lastName, prompt: Text("Required"))
TextField("Email", text: $email, prompt: Text("Required"))
TextField("Job", text: $job, prompt: Text("Required"))
TextField("Role", text: $role, prompt: Text("Required"))
#Preview {
In macOS it looks ok but then in iOS it looks like this:
and it's impossible to know what each field is for if all the prompts are the same. I tried adding LabeledContent around each text field and that solves it for iOS but then on macOS it looks like this:
The labels are shown twice and the columns are out of alignment. I think I could get around it by doing something like this:
#if os(iOS)
LabeledContent {
TextField("First Name", text: $firstName, prompt: Text("Required"))
} label: {
Text("First Name")
TextField("First Name", text: $firstName, prompt: Text("Required"))
but it seems to me like reinventing the wheel. Is there a "correct" way to declare TextFields with labels that works for both iOS and macOS?
I'm trying to use Image Events instead of Photoshop to manipulate a bunch of images.
I need to extend the canvas and have the padding be white. I've tried
pad theImage to dimensions {545, 545} with pad color {65535, 65535, 65535}
But that does nothing. If I remove the 'with pad colour...' part, it works but the pad defaults to black. I've looked everywhere, but there doesn't seem to be a solution.
Is there one?
I've been struggling to get through the app review. It's been 3 months of constantly improving and adding new features to the app and getting rejected.
A week ago i got a call from apple review team, and they said that my app shares the similar binary with other apps. They don't tell the specififcs or details.
My app is a vpn app that is written by me in flutter. The only native code i have is a library that i use to work with vpn. I changed the entirity of the library, but still can't get pass. Although, the only think left is the xray-core (https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core) framework that implemented as .xcframework to use vless protocol.
Does apple check .xcramework for similarity? i can't rewrite the framework, because it written in a go language.
My app, Plinco, was rejected under App Review Guideline 4.3 – Design Spam, stating that it shares similarities with other apps available on the App Store.
However, Plinco is a completely unique entertainment experience, designed with original assets, mechanics, and features. It allows users to customize various elements, including risk levels and configurations, ensuring a personalized and engaging experience. Special features like triple elements and the legendary golden mode introduce an extra layer of excitement and strategy. The app also offers high-quality visuals, immersive sound, and dynamic interactions, making each session feel fresh and unique.
I conducted extensive research on the App Store and found no similar apps in the Entertainment category that match Plinco's concept and functionality. My app is built from scratch, without using pre-existing templates or duplicated content.
Despite implementing multiple updates to address potential concerns, I have not received specific feedback clarifying the exact issue. I am fully committed to delivering a high-quality and original app and kindly request a more detailed explanation of the rejection, as well as a fair review of my submission.
I appreciate your time and consideration.