App freezes on purchase: StoreKit and fullScreenCover

My SwiftUI app freezes when completing a purchase in StoreKit if I have .fullScreenCover modifier applied anywhere in the View hierarchy.

It doesn't matter where I put the .fullScreenCover modifier in the view hierarchy. Even if I place it somewhere else in the hierarchy and don't trigger it, the app will still freeze on completed purchase. As soon as I remove .fullScreenCover modifier everything works great.

Anyone else had this issue? Is this a known issue? Is there a fix for this?

struct ShopView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var store: Store
    @State var isFullScreenCoverPresented: Bool = false
    @State var purchasedTip: Tip? = nil
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            VStack {
                ForEach(store.products.sorted(by: { $0.price < $1.price })) { product in
                    ProductView(product) {
        .onInAppPurchaseCompletion { product, result in
            if case .success(.success(.verified(let transaction))) = result {
                await store.process(transaction)
                // make sure there's a Tip corresponding to the purchased product
                if let tip = Tip(rawValue: {
                    purchasedTip = tip
                // show thank you note in full screen cover
                isFullScreenCoverPresented = true
        .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $isFullScreenCoverPresented) {
            if let tip = purchasedTip {
                ThankYouNote(tip: tip)

Hello! Can you please report this via and share your ticket number here? Please include sample code and screen video in the ticket. Thank you!

App freezes on purchase: StoreKit and fullScreenCover