Getting main camera frame using CameraFrameProvider


I am trying to use the new Enterprise API to capture main camera frames using the CameraFrameProvider. Until now, I could not make it work. I followed the sample code provided in this thread (literally copy past it):

When I run the application on the Vision Pro, no frame is captured. I get a message in the XCode's console that no entitlement is found. However, the entitlement is created and the license file is also in the project. Besides, all authorization keys are added in the plist file.

What I am missing? How to know if the license file is wrong?

Thank you.

Can you confirm your Xcode project references the entitlements file in Build Settings > Signing > Code Signing Entitlements? It should be set to something like $(SRCROOT)/MyApp/MyFile.entitlements

Yes I can confirm that the project references the entitlement files. My error when I open the immersive view the capture the main camera stream is:

How can I be sure that the license file is correct and read? Would it be a different error in the XCode's console?

Getting main camera frame using CameraFrameProvider