Dynamic AssistantSchema.CameraEnum


I have some questions about the new AssistantSchema.CameraEnum.captureDevice introduced with iOS 18 beta 4.

Here's the context. I create a intent:

@AssistantIntent(schema: .camera.setDevice)
struct SetDeviceIntent {
	var device: CaptureDevice
	func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {

@AssistantEnum(schema: .camera.captureDevice)
enum CaptureDevice: String {
	case front
	case back
	case ultrawide

Some CaptureDevice cases are not available on some devices. e.g: CaptureMode.ultrawide is only available on iPhone, not on iPad.

How can we make CaptureDevice dynamic? I don't think AppEnum supports @Dependency or something else.

Dynamic AssistantSchema.CameraEnum