system extension failed to validate

I facing issue where the system extension i try to install have message:

no related kext found for sysex '' failed to validate! uninstalling... uninstalling invalid extension

Is internet access is required for system extension validation? I install the driver without internet access.

This work in some others machine, only fresh reformated Mac machine without internet connection have this issue. Why is this so?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 801589022


macOS’s trusted execution system uses stricter rules for system extensions than for normal apps. However, I think that only applies to KEXTs, not DEXTs. The standard (non-App Store) distribution model for a DEXT is the same as for an app, that is, you should follow the process described in:

If you want your code to run without Internet access, you’ll need to staple the notarised ticket to your distribution product.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Is this a product you’re creating?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Yes, it is system extension i created to communicate through usb to the hardware.

So DriverKit then? [1]

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

[1] Annoyingly, Apple uses system extension for both KEXTs and DEXTs )-:

Yes, DriverKit is part of the extension

it is DEXT

Accepted Answer


macOS’s trusted execution system uses stricter rules for system extensions than for normal apps. However, I think that only applies to KEXTs, not DEXTs. The standard (non-App Store) distribution model for a DEXT is the same as for an app, that is, you should follow the process described in:

If you want your code to run without Internet access, you’ll need to staple the notarised ticket to your distribution product.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

This is the link for the installing system extensions.

  1. In order to activate it need internet access to check the code signature and entitlement of the system extensions, but in our environment there is no internet access.
  2. The activation process also require administrator password to allow the system extension to be activate. We do not have the administrator password.

Is there any others method for us to activate the system extension without administrator right and internet access?

Any link for this process you’ll need to staple the notarised ticket to your distribution product?

I’m confused. It sounds like you want to install a system extension but don’t have the credentials for an admin account. Is that right? If so, that’s just not going to work. System extensions affect the behaviour of the whole machine, so installing one always requires admin privileges.

Share and Enjoy

Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 default	10:30:40.853920+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app\
default	10:30:40.854098+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app\
default	10:30:40.865968+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:4:2:1:_LSServerRegisterItemInfo result = 0\
default	10:30:40.869322+0800	dmd	Received xpc stream event (distributed notification matching) with name: user info: \{\
    bundleIDs =     (\
    isPlaceholder = 0;\
default	10:30:40.875849+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app\
default	10:30:40.876030+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app\
default	10:30:40.890856+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:4:2:1:_LSServerRegisterItemInfo result = 0\
default	10:30:40.909426+0800	dmd	Received xpc stream event (distributed notification matching) with name: user info: \{\
    bundleIDs =     (\
    isPlaceholder = 0;\
default	10:30:40.916416+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app\
default	10:30:40.916598+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app\
default	10:30:40.929877+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:4:2:1:_LSServerRegisterItemInfo result = 0\
default	10:30:40.931092+0800	dmd	Received xpc stream event (distributed notification matching) with name: user info: \{\
    bundleIDs =     (\
    isPlaceholder = 0;\
default	10:30:42.699240+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app\
default	10:30:42.699410+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app\
default	10:30:42.705825+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:4:2:1:_LSServerRegisterItemInfo result = 0\
default	10:30:42.707556+0800	dmd	Received xpc stream event (distributed notification matching) with name: user info: \{\
    bundleIDs =     (\
    isPlaceholder = 0;\
default	10:30:42.709292+0800	runningboardd	Launch request for app[0] is using uid 501 (divined from auid 501 euid 501)\
default	10:30:42.709347+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting app from originator [osservice:1226] with description  attributes:[\
default	10:30:42.709403+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-1226-1391 (target:app) will be created as active\
default	10:30:42.709558+0800	runningboardd	Executing launch request for app (LS launch com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver)\
default	10:30:42.709624+0800	runningboardd	Creating and launching job for: app\
default	10:30:42.709733+0800	runningboardd	_mutateContextIfNeeded called for com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver\
default	10:30:42.709935+0800	runningboardd	app: -[RBPersonaManager personaForIdentity:context:personaUID:personaUniqueString:] required 0.000000 ms (wallclock); resolved to \{4294967295, (null)\}\
default	10:30:42.710211+0800	runningboardd	'app' Constructed job description:\
 \{ count = 23, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =\
	"Platform" => : 1\
	"ProcessType" =>  \{ length = 3, contents = "App" \}\
	"EnableTransactions" => : false\
	"_ManagedBy" =>  \{ length = 22, contents = "" \}\
	"CFBundleIdentifier" =>  \{ length = 36, contents = "com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver" \}\
	"_ResourceCoalition" =>  \{ length = 64, contents = "app" \}\
	"_DisablePointerAuth" => : true\
	"ThrottleInterval" => : 2147483647\
	"MachServices" =>  \{ count = 0, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =\
	"EnablePressuredExit" => : false\
	"LimitLoadToSessionType" =>  \{ count = 2, capacity = 8, contents =\
		0:  \{ length = 4, contents = "Aqua" \}\
		1:  \{ length = 11, contents = "LoginWindow" \}\
	"InitialTaskRole" => : 2\
	"EnvironmentVariables" =>  \{ count = 12, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =\
		"__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING" =>  \{ length = 13, contents = "0x1F5:0x0:0x0" \}\
		"TMPDIR" =>  \{ length = 49, contents = "/var/folders/09/119jpdj5015_fv9rwc4c6kg00000gn/T/" \}\
		"SHELL" =>  \{ length = 8, contents = "/bin/zsh" \}\
		"HOME" =>  \{ length = 14, contents = "/Users/ictuser" \}\
		"SSH_AUTH_SOCK" =>  \{ length = 51, contents = "/private/tmp/" \}\
		"LOGNAME" =>  \{ length = 7, contents = "ictuser" \}\
		"PATH" =>  \{ length = 29, contents = "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" \}\
		"XPC_SERVICE_NAME" =>  \{ length = 16, contents = "" \}\
		"__CFBundleIdentifier" =>  \{ length = 36, contents = "com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver" \}\
		"COMMAND_MODE" =>  \{ length = 8, contents = "unix2003" \}\
		"USER" =>  \{ length = 7, contents = "ictuser" \}\
		"XPC_FLAGS" =>  \{ length = 3, contents = "0x0" \}\
	"_AdditionalProperties" =>  \{ count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =\
		"RunningBoard" =>  \{ count = 4, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =\
			"TMPDIR" =>  \{ length = 49, contents = "/var/folders/09/119jpdj5015_fv9rwc4c6kg00000gn/T/" \}\
			"HOME" =>  \{ length = 14, contents = "/Users/ictuser" \}\
			"RunningBoardLaunchedIdentity" =>  \{ count = 5, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =\
				"AJL" =>  \{ length = 54, contents = "" \}\
				"TYPE" => : 1\
				"AUID" => : 501\
				"EAI" =>  \{ length = 36, contents = "com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver" \}\
				"PLAT" => : 1\
			"RunningBoardLaunched" => : true\
	"ExitTimeOut" => : 1\
	"Label" =>  \{ length = 54, contents = "" \}\
	"WaitForDebugger" => : true\
	"MaterializeDatalessFiles" => : true\
	"WorkingDirectory" =>  \{ length = 1, contents = "/" \}\
	"_LaunchType" => : 3\
	"AbandonProcessGroup" => : true\
	"ProgramArguments" =>  \{ count = 1, capacity = 8, contents =\
		0:  \{ length = 116, contents = "/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver" \}\
	"Program" =>  \{ length = 116, contents = "/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver" \}\
default	10:30:42.717200+0800	kernel	Checking in with amfid for DER com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver\
default	10:30:42.732316+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] is not RunningBoard jetsam managed.\
default	10:30:42.732331+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] This process will not be managed.\
default	10:30:42.732345+0800	runningboardd	Now tracking process: [app:1451]\
default	10:30:42.732507+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractive) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:42.732706+0800	runningboardd	Using default underlying assertion for app: [app:1451]\
default	10:30:42.733055+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [app:1451] with description ,\
default	10:30:42.733222+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-98-1392 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:42.733567+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:42.733633+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:42.733819+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] reported to RB as running\
default	10:30:42.733783+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Set darwin role to: UserInteractive\
default	10:30:42.734031+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:42.734317+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:42.734673+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractive) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:42.735882+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:64] with description \
default	10:30:42.736046+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-64-1393 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:42.736795+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractive) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:42.738470+0800	Finder	LAUNCH: 0x0-0x6c06c com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver starting stopped process.\
error	10:30:42.740859+0800	sharedfilelistd	SharedFileList failed to load.\
default	10:30:42.735212+0800	gamepolicyd	Hit the server for a process handle c1cb4cd000005ab that resolved to: [app:1451]\
default	10:30:42.742841+0800	distnoted	register name: object: token: 4100000037 pid: 1224\
default	10:30:42.740463+0800	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 98-1226-1391 (target:app) from originator [osservice:1226]\
default	10:30:42.735241+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:42.761890+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:42.776031+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app\
default	10:30:42.776236+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app\
default	10:30:42.789087+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:4:2:1:_LSServerRegisterItemInfo result = 0\
default	10:30:42.793026+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:42.793194+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:42.793306+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:42.793533+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:42.793644+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:42.793706+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:42.793803+0800	runningboardd	Successfully acquired underlying assertion for [app:1451]\
default	10:30:42.793857+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:42.794270+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:42.795562+0800	nehelper	Removing UUIDs for com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver\
default	10:30:42.801971+0800	nehelper	Handling an apps installed notification with bundle IDs (\
default	10:30:42.821913+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app\
default	10:30:42.822011+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app\
default	10:30:42.843278+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:42.843305+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:42.843339+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:42.843429+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal\
default	10:30:42.843732+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:42.843525+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:42.843867+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:42.845172+0800	lsd	com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver/Unknown Persona:5:4:2:1:_LSServerRegisterItemInfo result = 0\
default	10:30:42.846540+0800	nehelper	Removing UUIDs for com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver\
default	10:30:42.846946+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:42.847371+0800	nehelper	Handling an apps installed notification with bundle IDs (\
default	10:30:42.926171+0800	syspolicyd	GK evaluateScanResult: 2, PST: (vuid: A3E797D4-6B50-3578-9374-AC64B0D3119B), (objid: 18), (team: 52444FG85C), (id: com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver), (bundle_id: com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0\
default	10:30:42.926825+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=219.1, attribution=\{accessing=\{TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, pid=1451, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver\}, requesting=\{TCCDProcess:, pid=219, auid=0, euid=0, binary_path=/usr/libexec/syspolicyd\}, \},\
default	10:30:42.934040+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=219.1, subject=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver,\
default	10:30:42.935764+0800	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, type: 0: 0x140130a40 at /Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP\
default	10:30:42.958599+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=1451.1, attribution=\{requesting=\{TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, pid=1451, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver\}, \},\
default	10:30:42.961635+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=1451.1, subject=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver,\
default	10:30:42.962941+0800	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, type: 0: 0x13ef3ccb0 at /Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP\
default	10:30:42.968669+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=90.223, attribution=\{accessing=\{TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, pid=1451, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver\}, requesting=\{TCCDProcess:, pid=90, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer\}, \},\
default	10:30:42.968735+0800	tccd	requestor: TCCDProcess:, pid=90, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer is checking access for accessor TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, pid=1451, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver\
default	10:30:42.971210+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=90.223, subject=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver,\
default	10:30:42.972991+0800	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, type: 0: 0x13ef3cf70 at /Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP\
default	10:30:42.996786+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:64] with description \
default	10:30:42.996850+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-64-1394 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:42.996510+0800	launchservicesd	CHECKIN:0x0-0x6c06c 1451 com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver\
default	10:30:42.998797+0800	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 98-64-1393 (target:[app:1451]) from originator [osservice:64]\
default	10:30:43.006206+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:64] with description \
default	10:30:43.006294+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-64-1395 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:43.008585+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.008697+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:43.009140+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveFocal\
default	10:30:43.009419+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:43.009533+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.009588+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:90] with description ,\
default	10:30:43.008634+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:43.009831+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-90-1396 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:43.010734+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.011145+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:43.011492+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:43.011674+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:43.012785+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:43.012414+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.012770+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] visiblity is yes\
default	10:30:43.014504+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:64] with description \
default	10:30:43.014581+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-64-1397 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:43.015100+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.015157+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:43.015211+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:43.015371+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.015199+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:43.023983+0800	distnoted	register name: object: com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver token: 1c00000023 pid: 1451\
default	10:30:43.067560+0800	distnoted	register name: object: com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver token: 240000001b pid: 1451\
default	10:30:43.116826+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:43.118056+0800	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, type: 0: 0x14001aa20 at /Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP\
default	10:30:43.137236+0800	runningboardd	Setting client for [app:1451] as ready\
default	10:30:43.137339+0800	runningboardd	Process: [app:1451]: Sending inheritance changeset: ,\
)\} lost:\{(\
default	10:30:43.137768+0800	Install CP210x VCP Driver	Identity resolved as app\
default	10:30:43.137926+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [app:1451] with description ,\
default	10:30:43.138014+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-1451-1398 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:43.138350+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.138587+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:43.138627+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:43.138721+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.138824+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Set AppNap state: \
default	10:30:43.138350+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:43.139271+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:43.140431+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:90] with description ,\
default	10:30:43.140522+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-90-1399 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:43.140845+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.140877+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:43.140954+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:43.141097+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.140909+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:43.143973+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:90] with description ,\
default	10:30:43.144113+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-90-1400 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:43.144584+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.144618+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:43.144644+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:43.144725+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.144624+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:43.158734+0800	sharedfilelistd	[] assigning ownership to with requirement 'anchor apple generic and identifier "com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver" and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ or certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = "52444FG85C")'\
default	10:30:43.173855+0800	authd	Succeeded authorizing right '' by client '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] for authorization created by '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] (3,0) (engine 126)\
default	10:30:43.175441+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:90] with description ,\
default	10:30:43.175502+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-90-1401 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:43.175725+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:43.175745+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.175832+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:43.176007+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:43.176069+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:43.176413+0800	runningboardd	Process: [app:1451]: Sending inheritance changeset: \
)\} lost:\{(\
default	10:30:43.183881+0800	authd	Succeeded authorizing right '' by client '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] for authorization created by '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] (3,0) (engine 127)\
default	10:30:43.190632+0800	authd	Succeeded authorizing right '' by client '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] for authorization created by '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] (3,0) (engine 128)\
default	10:30:43.196907+0800	authd	Succeeded authorizing right '' by client '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] for authorization created by '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] (3,0) (engine 129)\
default	10:30:43.204055+0800	authd	Succeeded authorizing right '' by client '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] for authorization created by '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] (3,0) (engine 130)\
default	10:30:43.210643+0800	authd	Succeeded authorizing right '' by client '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] for authorization created by '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] (3,0) (engine 131)\
default	10:30:43.218008+0800	authd	Succeeded authorizing right '' by client '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] for authorization created by '/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP' [1451] (3,0) (engine 132)\
default	10:30:43.220335+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=90.224, attribution=\{accessing=\{TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, pid=1451, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver\}, requesting=\{TCCDProcess:, pid=90, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer\}, \},\
default	10:30:43.220391+0800	tccd	requestor: TCCDProcess:, pid=90, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer is checking access for accessor TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, pid=1451, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver\
default	10:30:43.223176+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=90.224, subject=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver,\
default	10:30:43.224847+0800	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, type: 0: 0x13ee297f0 at /Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP\
default	10:30:43.244446+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:48.113508+0800	loginwindow	-[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] |           Contents:(\
        BackgroundState = 2;\
        BundleID = "com.silabs.install-cp210x-vcp-driver";\
        Hide = 0;\
        Path = "/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP";\
        BackgroundState = 2;\
        BundleID = "";\
        Hide = 0;\
        Path = "/System/Library/CoreServices/";\
        BackgroundState = 2;\
        BundleID = "";\
        Hide = 0;\
        Path = "/System/Applications/Utilities/";\
default	10:30:48.706815+0800	runningboardd	Assertion did invalidate due to timeout: 98-98-1392 (target:[app:1451])\
default	10:30:48.706852+0800	runningboardd	Assertion did invalidate due to timeout: 98-64-1397 (target:[app:1451])\
default	10:30:48.897232+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:48.897305+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:48.897357+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:48.897444+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:48.897773+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:48.898758+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:55.247884+0800	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 98-64-1395 (target:[app:1451]) from originator [osservice:64]\
default	10:30:55.350837+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:55.350862+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:55.350886+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:55.351097+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:55.351203+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:55.352636+0800	runningboardd	Process: [app:1451]: Sending inheritance changeset: ,\
default	10:30:55.352920+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:59.272795+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:64] with description \
default	10:30:59.272866+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-64-1408 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:59.273375+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:59.273530+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:59.273608+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:59.273799+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:59.275499+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:64] with description \
default	10:30:59.275876+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-64-1409 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:30:59.275701+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:59.277355+0800	runningboardd	Process: [app:1451]: Sending inheritance changeset: ,\
)\} lost:\{(\
default	10:30:59.277749+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:59.277851+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:30:59.277945+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:30:59.278086+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:30:59.277764+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:30:59.280071+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:30:59.348608+0800	kernel	Checking in with amfid for DER com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.437948+0800	backgroundtaskmanagementd	effectiveItemDisposition: appURL=(null), type=legacy daemon, url=file:///Library/LaunchDaemons/com.silabs.installer-helper.plist, config=\{\
    BTMConfigArguments =     (\
    BTMConfigBundleIdentifiers =     (\
    BTMConfigExecutablePath = "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.silabs.installer-helper";\
    BTMConfigLabel = "com.silabs.installer-helper";\
default	10:30:59.463928+0800	taskgated-helper	allowing entitlement(s) for com.silabs.cp210x due to provisioning profile (isUPP: 1)\
default	10:30:59.477550+0800	taskgated-helper	allowing entitlement(s) for com.silabs.cp210x due to provisioning profile (isUPP: 1)\
default	10:30:59.532252+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app\
default	10:30:59.532483+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app\
default	10:30:59.545732+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:4:2:1:_LSServerRegisterItemInfo result = 0\
default	10:30:59.549649+0800	nehelper	Removing UUIDs for com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.550539+0800	nehelper	Handling an apps installed notification with bundle IDs (\
default	10:30:59.561652+0800	syspolicyd	GK evaluateScanResult: 2, PST: (vuid: 1CE7BE5B-FBDE-4018-96D6-DB632FBCC855), (objid: 48214), (team: 52444FG85C), (id: com.silabs.cp210x), (bundle_id: com.silabs.cp210x), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0\
error	10:30:59.577605+0800	containermanagerd	Could not read metadata file at [/Users/ictuser/Library/Containers/com.silabs.cp210x/]; error = Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory" UserInfo=\{SourceFileLine=1961, NSLocalizedDescription=<~~~>, FunctionName=<~~~>\}\
error	10:30:59.577889+0800	containermanagerd	Failed to read container metadata []: (127|1|2|[/Users/ictuser/Library/Containers/com.silabs.cp210x/])\
default	10:30:59.593116+0800	secinitd	initializing ACL for container ~/Library/Containers/com.silabs.cp210x/Data with \
default	10:30:59.603584+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app\
default	10:30:59.603786+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app\
default	10:30:59.612431+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:4:2:1:_LSServerRegisterItemInfo result = 0\
default	10:30:59.613965+0800	nehelper	Removing UUIDs for com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.614185+0800	nehelper	Handling an apps installed notification with bundle IDs (\
default	10:30:59.664546+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app\
default	10:30:59.664732+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app\
default	10:30:59.673732+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:4:2:1:_LSServerRegisterItemInfo result = 0\
default	10:30:59.676651+0800	dmd	Received xpc stream event (distributed notification matching) with name: user info: \{\
    bundleIDs =     (\
    isPlaceholder = 0;\
default	10:30:59.683963+0800	containermanagerd	Wrote [/Users/ictuser/Library/Containers/com.silabs.cp210x/], length = 22714, options = 0x10000001, mode = 0666\
default	10:30:59.684895+0800	containermanagerd	Wrote [/Users/ictuser/Library/Containers/com.silabs.cp210x/], length = 27836, options = 0x10000001, mode = 0666\
default	10:30:59.685683+0800	containermanagerd	Wrote [/Users/ictuser/Library/Containers/com.silabs.cp210x/], length = 28163, options = 0x10000001, mode = 0666\
default	10:30:59.692610+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=1469.1, attribution=\{responsible=\{TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, pid=1451, auid=501, euid=501, responsible_path=/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver, binary_path=/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver\}, requesting=\{TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.cp210x, pid=1469, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Applications/\}, \},\
default	10:30:59.694777+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=1469.1, subject=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver,\
default	10:30:59.696366+0800	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, type: 0: 0x140115640 at /Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP\
default	10:30:59.700557+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=90.227, attribution=\{responsible=\{TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, pid=1451, auid=501, euid=501, responsible_path=/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver, binary_path=/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP CP210x VCP Driver\}, accessing=\{TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.cp210x, pid=1469, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Applications/\}, requesting=\{TCCDProcess:, pid=90, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer\}, \},\
default	10:30:59.700615+0800	tccd	requestor: TCCDProcess:, pid=90, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer is checking access for accessor TCCDProcess: identifier=com.silabs.cp210x, pid=1469, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Applications/\
default	10:30:59.702342+0800	tccd	AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=90.227, subject=com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver,\
default	10:30:59.703870+0800	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, type: 0: 0x140115640 at /Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP\
default	10:30:59.720247+0800	launchservicesd	CHECKIN:0x0-0x6e06e 1469 com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.749633+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app\
default	10:30:59.749814+0800	lsd	com.silabs.cp210x/Unknown Persona:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app\
default	10:30:59.770459+0800	distnoted	register name: object: com.silabs.cp210x token: 1c00000023 pid: 1469\
error	10:30:59.778028+0800	sharedfilelistd	SharedFileList failed to load.\
default	10:30:59.778801+0800	distnoted	register name: object: token: 4300000048 pid: 1224\
default	10:30:59.802717+0800	containermanagerd	For com.silabs.cp210x , substituting user identity  for client identity  for container 2:\
default	10:30:59.803678+0800	containermanagerd	Using client sandbox path [<~~~>]; metadata = <<~~~>(2);<501/20/~~/0/1001>;uDCDA794A-8302-47B5-A59C-480B1F47E2C4;pcom.silabs.cp210x;dp0;uma(null)>\
default	10:30:59.819593+0800	sharedfilelistd	[] assigning ownership to with requirement 'anchor apple generic and identifier "com.silabs.cp210x" and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ or certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = "52444FG85C")'\
default	10:30:59.828661+0800	sysextd	client activation request for com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.828675+0800	sysextd	attempting to realize extension with identifier com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.830943+0800	tccd	-[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.silabs.Install-CP210x-VCP-Driver, type: 0: 0x140115640 at /Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP\
default	10:30:59.834285+0800	sysextd	realizing target path: file:///Applications/\
default	10:30:59.845055+0800	sysextd	retrieved bundle code signing info: SecStaticCodeSigningInfo(entitlements: ["":, "": 52444FG85C, "": 1, "": 1, "": 1, "": <__NSArrayM 0x120a418f0>(\
    idVendor = "*";\
, "": 1], teamID: sysextd.TeamIDType.teamID("52444FG85C"), cdHashes: ["3533d993388eb3a52dd44d7dcc4bd1b2971b685c": sysextd.ArchInfo(name: "x86_64", cputype: 16777223, cpusubtype: 3), "c7b86ebe84c9eceb26731abb3aaa3d721a5a313c": sysextd.ArchInfo(name: "arm64", cputype: 16777228, cpusubtype: 0)], signingIdentifier: "com.silabs.cp210x")\
default	10:30:59.845124+0800	sysextd	/Applications/ package type not `SYSX`\
default	10:30:59.845149+0800	sysextd	/Applications/ package type not `SYSX`\
default	10:30:59.852284+0800	sysextd	retrieved bundle code signing info: SecStaticCodeSigningInfo(entitlements: ["":, "": 52444FG85C, "": 1, "": 1, "": 1, "": 1], teamID: sysextd.TeamIDType.teamID("52444FG85C"), cdHashes: ["79ad1f3c29e17ed02de1f5aa29fa78fbeda3a8ef": sysextd.ArchInfo(name: "arm64", cputype: 16777228, cpusubtype: 0), "4d09e194c0918e24699f2f9a73cb6f3cc5df3d8c": sysextd.ArchInfo(name: "x86_64", cputype: 16777223, cpusubtype: 3)], signingIdentifier: "com.silabs.cp210x")\
default	10:30:59.852646+0800	sysextd	take reference:\
    reference: (Optional("file:///.file/id=6571367.48214/") + 52444FG85C + com.silabs.cp210x)\
    references: [(Optional("file:///.file/id=6571367.48214/") + 52444FG85C + com.silabs.cp210x)]\
    result: true\
default	10:30:59.852678+0800	sysextd	staging extension with identifier com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.852705+0800	sysextd	extension 52444FG85C com.silabs.cp210x (6.0.2/1) advancing state from realizing to staging\
default	10:30:59.854250+0800	sysextd	Importing content from application to staging area\
  originPath: /Applications/,\
  uniqueIdentifier: 35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581\
default	10:30:59.854397+0800	sysextd	Bundle path: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext\
default	10:30:59.854809+0800	sysextd	Copied and processing: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/_CodeSignature/CodeResources\
default	10:30:59.854847+0800	sysextd	Imported: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/_CodeSignature/CodeResources\
default	10:30:59.854974+0800	sysextd	Copied and processing: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/_CodeSignature\
default	10:30:59.855009+0800	sysextd	Imported: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/_CodeSignature\
default	10:30:59.855216+0800	sysextd	Copied and processing: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.855271+0800	sysextd	Imported: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.855436+0800	sysextd	Copied and processing: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/embedded.provisionprofile\
default	10:30:59.855473+0800	sysextd	Imported: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/embedded.provisionprofile\
default	10:30:59.855659+0800	sysextd	Copied and processing: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/Info.plist\
default	10:30:59.855694+0800	sysextd	Imported: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/Info.plist\
default	10:30:59.855806+0800	sysextd	Copied and processing: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext\
default	10:30:59.855839+0800	sysextd	Imported: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext\
default	10:30:59.855863+0800	sysextd	extension 52444FG85C com.silabs.cp210x (6.0.2/1) advancing state from staging to validating\
default	10:30:59.859025+0800	sysextd	making activation decision for extension with teamID teamID("52444FG85C"), identifier com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.859039+0800	sysextd	no related kext found for sysex `com.silabs.cp210x`\
default	10:30:59.859059+0800	sysextd	validating extension with identifier com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.859092+0800	sysextd	resolve code signing information for: file:///Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext/\
default	10:30:59.873924+0800	sysextd	com.silabs.cp210x: extension failed to validate! uninstalling...\
default	10:30:59.874053+0800	sysextd	uninstalling invalid extension com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.874068+0800	sysextd	extension 52444FG85C com.silabs.cp210x (6.0.2/1) advancing state from validating to uninstalling\
default	10:30:59.874557+0800	sysextd	attempting to delete staged bundle: /Library/SystemExtensions/.staging/35BCE384-E988-4180-8B97-A90C24934581/com.silabs.cp210x.dext\
default	10:30:59.874949+0800	sysextd	extension 52444FG85C com.silabs.cp210x (6.0.2/1) advancing state from uninstalling to uninstalled\
default	10:30:59.875786+0800	sysextd	finished uninstalling extension com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.875808+0800	sysextd	waiting for external validation of extension with identifier com.silabs.cp210x\
default	10:30:59.875865+0800	sysextd	observer for 'com.silabs.cp210x' reached error: uninstalling\
default	10:30:59.877630+0800	distnoted	register name: object: com.silabs.cp210x token: 4200000047 pid: 1469\
default	10:31:05.266381+0800	runningboardd	Assertion did invalidate due to timeout: 98-64-1409 (target:[app:1451])\
default	10:31:05.395498+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:05.395539+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:31:05.395565+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:31:05.395672+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:05.395719+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:31:05.396249+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:31:05.885649+0800	loginwindow	-[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] |      previouslyRunningApps: (\
        BackgroundState = 2;\
        BundleID = "com.silabs.install-cp210x-vcp-driver";\
        Hide = 0;\
        Path = "/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP";\
        BackgroundState = 2;\
        BundleID = "";\
        Hide = 0;\
        Path = "/System/Library/CoreServices/";\
        BackgroundState = 2;\
        BundleID = "";\
        Hide = 0;\
        Path = "/System/Applications/Utilities/";\
default	10:31:05.888358+0800	loginwindow	-[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] |           Contents:(\
        BackgroundState = 2;\
        BundleID = "com.silabs.install-cp210x-vcp-driver";\
        Hide = 0;\
        Path = "/Volumes/Silicon Labs VCP Driver Install Disk/Install CP210x VCP";\
        BackgroundState = 2;\
        BundleID = "";\
        Hide = 0;\
        Path = "/System/Library/CoreServices/";\
        BackgroundState = 2;\
        BundleID = "";\
        Hide = 0;\
        Path = "/System/Applications/Utilities/";\
default	10:31:13.340692+0800	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 98-64-1408 (target:[app:1451]) from originator [osservice:64]\
default	10:31:13.345895+0800	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 98-90-1396 (target:[app:1451]) from originator [osservice:90]\
default	10:31:13.446840+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:13.446866+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:31:13.446863+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:31:13.446901+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Set darwin role to: UserInteractiveNonFocal\
default	10:31:13.446923+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:31:13.446997+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:13.447194+0800	runningboardd	Process: [app:1451]: Sending inheritance changeset: ,\
default	10:31:13.447906+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:31:24.042011+0800	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 98-90-1400 (target:[app:1451]) from originator [osservice:90]\
default	10:31:24.076267+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [osservice:90] with description ,\
default	10:31:24.076375+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-90-1433 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:31:24.076800+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:31:24.076816+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:24.076858+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:31:24.076879+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:31:24.076920+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:24.077140+0800	runningboardd	Process: [app:1451]: Sending inheritance changeset: \
)\} lost:\{(\
default	10:31:24.077399+0800	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 98-90-1401 (target:[app:1451]) from originator [osservice:90]\
default	10:31:24.077783+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:31:24.150367+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:24.150394+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:31:24.150418+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:31:24.150465+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:24.150528+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:31:24.150615+0800	runningboardd	Process: [app:1451]: Sending inheritance changeset: \
default	10:31:24.151416+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:31:24.358752+0800	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 98-90-1433 (target:[app:1451]) from originator [osservice:90]\
default	10:31:24.465020+0800	runningboardd	Removed last relative-start-date-defining assertion for process app\
default	10:31:24.468415+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:24.468426+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:31:24.468441+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:31:24.468463+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:31:24.468504+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:24.468530+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] visiblity is no\
default	10:31:24.469136+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:31:24.469494+0800	runningboardd	Process: [app:1451]: Sending inheritance changeset: \
default	10:31:53.732527+0800	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 98-90-1399 (target:[app:1451]) from originator [osservice:90]\
default	10:31:53.732934+0800	runningboardd	Acquiring assertion targeting [app:1451] from originator [app:1451] with description ,\
default	10:31:53.733086+0800	runningboardd	Assertion 98-1451-1439 (target:[app:1451]) will be created as active\
default	10:31:53.733668+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:53.733678+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:31:53.733901+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:31:53.733967+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:31:53.734081+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:53.735070+0800	runningboardd	Invalidating assertion 98-1451-1398 (target:[app:1451]) from originator [app:1451]\
default	10:31:53.739023+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\
default	10:31:53.836772+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:53.836796+0800	runningboardd	Calculated state for app: running-active (role: UserInteractiveNonFocal) (endowments: )\
default	10:31:53.836823+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring suspend because this process is not lifecycle managed\
default	10:31:53.836874+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed\
default	10:31:53.836930+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Ignoring memory limit update because this process is not memory-managed\
default	10:31:53.836980+0800	runningboardd	[app:1451] Set AppNap state: \
default	10:31:53.837788+0800	gamepolicyd	Received state update for 1451 (app, running-active-NotVisible\

I add the log file for the eror I facing, without internet when we call the activationRequest(forExtensionWithIdentifier:queue:) it is validating the dext and failed and proceed to uninstall the system extension. I found that there is no SystemExtension folder in the staging phase where should be in /Library/SystemExtension/.staging/UUID/com.silabs.cp210x.dext which only available when there is internet access. This .staging is the need to resolve the code signing.

Hi DTS Engineer,

I able to solve the above mention issue using the stapler. Thank you very much for your guidance.

system extension failed to validate