Apple Pay button not appearing

On an older iPhone I'm testing with (6s, iOS 12.5.7), connected to the same Sandbox Apple ID that I'm using on multiple other devices, the Apple Pay button is not appearing. Neither on my web application, whatever version I set in the PaymentRequest, nor on the official demo site.

Further, 2 sandbox cards that were added fine to these other devices are failing to add on this one. Same cards and CVV codes are getting errors. At least "Invalid Card" on one of them. Although the other failed several times, then just worked this time when I tried it again 😕

But on this phone, I have two cards successfully added, so the button should be appearing. On the demo site, whether I select Apple Pay JS API or Payment Request API, the button does not appear.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 801533022

Hi @dougbkyndryl,

Please see the following technote to learn more about troubleshooting issues with the Apple Pay button display on your website:

TN3175: Diagnosing issues with displaying the Apple Pay button on your website


Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Hi @dougbkyndryl,

Please see the following technote to learn more about troubleshooting issues with the Apple Pay button display on your website:

TN3175: Diagnosing issues with displaying the Apple Pay button on your website


Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

Noting this behavior persists. I have cards added to the wallet, but the demo site does not present Apple Pay. What is going on?

Apple Pay button not appearing