I am trying to convert a ThreeJS project to Metal for the Vision Pro. The issue is ThreeJS doesn't do any color space conversion (when I output a color in a fragment shader and then read it using the digital color meter in SRGB mode I get the same value I inputed in the fragment shader) This is not the case when using metal. When setting up my LayerRenderer I set the colorFormat to rgba16Unorm since it is the only non srgb color format supported on the vision pro apps. However switching between bgra8Unorm_srgb and rgba16Unorm seems to have no affect.
when I set up the renderPassDescriptor I use the drawable colorTexture
renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture = drawable.colorTextures[0]
and when printing its pixel format it seems to be passed from the configuration.
If there is anyway to disable this behavior or perform an inverse function of such that I get the original value out from the shader, that would be appreciated.