My app includes use of the new journal suggestions API. I'd like to know what is the official icon for the button in my app which bring up the .journalingSuggestionsPicker
Another app, DayOne uses the icon attached. Is this the official icon? If yes, does it have a SFSymbols name?
Developer support were unable to help me.
Any help appreciated - many thanks
There is no symbol for Journal or Journaling Suggestions in SF Symbols 6. However, if you'd like for the SF Symbols team to include a symbol for the Journaling Suggestions API please submit a request via Feedback Assistant.
However, the image you provided above does appear to use a mix of existing symbols, specifically:
You could duplicate an existing symbol in SF Symbols, or export the SVG file, to create a Custom Symbol. Please read the documentation below to learn more:
Creating custom symbol images for your app
Paris X Pinkney | WWDR | DTS Engineer