THClient "storeCredentials" error: "Can not store frozen credentials"

I have some user of my App reporting that they are not able to store thread network credentials in keychain, the error they get is "Can not store frozen credentials".

I couldn't find documentation around this error message, can anyone help me with it's meaning? Why this specific credential can't be stored in keychain?

I ended up on this page because I experienced this error in the home assistant ios app and was looking for a manual fix. After much googling, I finally figured it out.

Just for the benefit of anyone else who might be in the same situation:

  1. run the keychain app on a macos device
  2. view menu -> Show Invisible Items
  3. find the frozen thread credentials and delete them
  4. You should now (hopefully!) be able to re-add your thread credential from the HA companion app

It worked for me. Hopefully for you too!

THClient "storeCredentials" error: "Can not store frozen credentials"